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Mac Rumors: AT&T Blocking Out June 15-July 15 for iPhone Launch

To ensure proper staffing during the product launch period, Sales personnel planning to take approved time off are encouraged to schedule their vacations before June 15 or after July 15 to participate in the iPhone launch.

Original Link

Good Grief,

About 5 weeks to the WWDC keynote during which we're promised an announcement of the full feature set for Leopard (and is scheduled to be 3 hours long - update: since learned that this is not the case! ) and then just another week or two for the launch of the iPhone!

Exciting times!

Reader Comments (2)

Yes very exciting indeed - are you going?

- the 3 hour Keynote was a typo though.

May 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMac Season


Thanks, I'd not seen that!

Me going? - I'm afraid not although I'd love too. The ticket price is a little expensive especially when you add in the flights and accomodation!

I've got a trip planned to the Podcast Expo in September where I'm speaking so I've had to be sensible ;-)

May 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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