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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Pick a browser, any browser....

Firefox.pngHere we go again!

My favourite browser on the mac is Camino, I don't really know why, I just like it.

However, I use Google Reader as my main RSS reader but for some reason, it won't play nicely with Camino :-(

So I've gone back to Safari and it's OK.

Now I find that Google have released Google Gears, some new fangled code that allows you to use your web based Google Reader offline - how cool is that!

Of course, it doesn't work with either Safari or Camino!

I imagine that Google will eventually extend the usage of Google Gears to all of its online applications so it's a fairly significant release and as I'm a big Google Apps fan, I've just got to install it!

OK, So I've just downloaded the latest version of FireFox (which is supported) and I'll see how long I can use that before switching to another browser!

Reader Comments (2)

Hi Don,
On one of my google developer feeds a guy part of the team that is making Gears for webkit posted that it does in fact work, but only on the latest builds of webkit, not those shipped with Safari or similar browsers (Shiira being mine). So if you set up Safari to run one of the" rel="nofollow">nightly builds it should run.
However if that seems to much hassle (which it does to me) rest assured that its coming to Safari soon.

June 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdtm3dd

Cheers D,

Thanks for the update

June 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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