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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Note to Self...

The thwack is the sound of me hitting myself over the head with a rubber hammer

Start Thwack show Thwack production Thwack earlier Thwack so Thwack you Thwack don't Thwack end Thwack up Thwack sitting Thwack in Thwack front Thwack of Thwack the Thwack computer Thwack all Thwack day Thwack on Thwack Saturday Thwack and Thwack only Thwack publish Thwack the Thwack Extra! Thwack show Thwack at Thwack 7:45pm Thwack on Thwack a Thwack Saturday Thwack evening. Thwack


Ah, I feel better now!

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