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Screencasting 101 - Slot at Podcast & New Media Expo Announced

nextshow.gif Just noticed that the sessions have been posted for the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario. I'll be attending and speaking at the event.

My session has been placed in Track 5 - New Media for Special Interests and is scheduled for Friday September 28th @ 3:15pm. There is a permalink to the session here and also a discussion forum for the session here. I'll subscribe to the forum and respond to any specific questions about the session there, plus also take any suggestions for content.

I did originally submit two topics for inclusion in the Expo, Screencasting and also Podcast Monetisation. I've got a lot of experience and information in monetising podcasts due to the fact the ScreenCastsOnline is my full time job and has been paying the bills for over a year. The organisers have gone with the Screencasting as the primary session as they had over 700 submissions for 60 slots so perhaps having 2 sessions from me wouldn't be fair.

However, they have snuck in a reference to the monetisation angle in the session description so I suppose that this does give me the option to include this as well. I just don't know if that will be appropriate for the bulk of the audience who are coming to see the screencasting bit! I'll throw it open on the Expo forum thread to gauge the response.

My flights are booked and my hotel (I'm in the Marriot) is booked so I'm really looking forward to the trip.

If anyone wants to meet up during the Expo, just send me a note.

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Reader Comments (2)

Don, do you know whether your session will be podcasted?

April 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDave Price

Hi Dave,

All the sessions from the 2006 Expo were recorded and released in two stages.

The first stage was that all the sessions were released en masse to the paying attendees a month or two after the event for free. You could at that stage also buy the full set of content if you didn't attend.

The next stage was they drip released the sessions on a one by one basis via the GigaVox network for free but of course, it took a good few months to release everything (if in fact they've finished releasing them).

Nothing announced for this year but I would imagine it would be along the same lines.

April 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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