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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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OmniOutliner ScreenCasts Repackaged for The Omni Group

It's taken a little while but the screencasts I did on OmniOutliner last year have been repackaged into 7 mini screencasts and are being hosted on the OmniGroups website as mini tutorials!

Love it when that happens!

Just need to fix the splash screen in Part 3 but I'm on it!

Checkout the re-packaged versions via this blog entry

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Reader Comments (2)

Hey, nice! I like their blog post :) Some replies I copied from there:

"These are great! Full of useful little tips, even for someone who has been using the app for a while."

"Lastly, please teach Don how to use OmniGraffle (Pro) so that he can do a few screencasts for that as well…"

Hehe... Nice comments :D

March 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

Hey Don, TUAW even had a post about it:

This bit is nice:
'As one would expect from a website that makes a living out of producing screencasts, these tutorials are very well produced and a great resource for users both old and new.'

One step closer to world domination...

March 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

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