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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Camino 1.1b Released


My favourite browser - Camino - has just been released as beta 1.1.

I can't quite put my finger on why I prefer Camino over Safari, it just "feels" better and much faster.

The new 1.1 beta released has a new version of the rendering engine and seems even faster! I hesitated before installing it in case it impacted on the use of the indispensible 1Passwd tool (how did I ever get by without 1Passwd!) but I'm pleased to say it's working fine. You just need to add the 1Passwd icon back onto the toolbar.

What is really great though is the improved Tab support!

My RSS aggregator is Google Reader which uses some easy keyboard shortcuts for navigation. Pressing "V" on a post takes you to the original article in a new window. In the earlier version, this would actually be a new window but in 1.1B it opens in a tab.


Give Camino a spin, I'm sure you'll like it.

Reader Comments (1)

Camino has been my primary browser for a few days now... It's the first time I actually switch away from Safari for a long period of time. What pushed me over the edge is how Safari is a memory hog and Camino is very reasonable.

February 27, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

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