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Petition The Prime Minister

I've had several people send me a link to the ePetition that's been setup to try to stop the BBC adopting a Windows only policy excluding all other computer platforms to future initiatives.

This must not happen and does not just impact Mac users - you Linux bods need to step up to the line as well!

Could I please urge all UK residents and Ex-Pats to sign the ePetition at this link:

to try and stop this.

Here are some more details:

The BBC plans to launch an on-demand tv service which uses software that will only be available to Windows users. The BBC should not be allowed to show commercial bias in this way, or to exclude certain groups of the population from using its services. The BBC say that they provide 'services for everyone, free of commercial interests and political bias'. Locking the new service's users into Microsoft Windows whilst ignoring those members of society who use other operating systems should does not fit in with the BBC's ethos and should not be allowed.

Thank You!

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