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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Well I'm delighted to say the first day of training at the Learning Lab is now under my belt!

Yes, today was the inaugural flight of the "Podcasting for Beginners" 1 day course and you'll be glad to know it appears to have been a success. The only glitch appears to be a couple of faulty USB connectors for the external headsets went on the blink, but we managed to work around that.

If the evaluation forms were anything to go by, it looks like the structure and content hit the mark and everyone seemed pleased as punch at the end of the day. We may have even got a convert to the Mac :-)

Props go out to all the attendees for being guinea pigs on this first run through. I have to say that they all coped extremely well, even without the aid of a mouse on the Macbooks - I'm promised that they'll be available on the next course!

Thanks also to Steve, Liz and Abi at the Learning Lab for giving me the opportunity to run these courses and for looking after us so well.

Looking forward to the next one!

Reader Comments (1)

Good to know!

February 20, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

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