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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Me, Steve and Seven Macbooks

No, not that Steve!

Spent all day yesterday over at the Learning Labs with Steve Molyneux preping some of the Macbooks we'll be using for the Podcasting courses I'm running over there over the next few months.

I've not really had chance to use a Macbook properly other than a cursory examination over at the Apple store. Really nice machines! We did hit one problem though in that the 10 headsets didn't work with the machines - headphones yes but not the microphones. It transpires that the audio in on the Macbook is a Line In and not a Microphone In so the levels are mismatched. Looks to be the same on the MacBook Pro. Ah well, we think we can source 10 USB audio connectors before next week.

Had a play with some of the presenters options in Keynote when using a secondary screen - very cool!

MonitorWindow.jpgAlso tested SpyMe 2 from Readpixel. You may remember I did a screencast on the original Spy Me a while ago. SpyMe is a remote mamagement tool that allows you to view or remote control a Mac desktop remotely. SpyMe 2 has been enhanced significantly to allow you to monitor, view and control multiple Mac desktops all from a single desktop (once you have the 10 or unlimited server licence $35 and $95 respectively).

Pretty impressive and works straight out of the box! I could monitor all seven Macbooks and see all the screens at once. I click and I had control of any screen. Another click and every Macbook was locked, stopping any surreptitious web surfing!

Ah the power!

I might just have to do a screencast on this little gem as its has some other pretty cool features added in! I'll see if I can do a deal with Readpixel on a ScreenCastsOnline discount!

Oh an by the way, the session for the 20th is now full so there's an overspill class setup for the 13th March (with only 4 places left on that!). There's some extra overspill dates setup for the other sessions as places are limited and filling up fast.

Reader Comments (2)

This course sounds great. I wish I was able to travel to England for it. Any chance you (or the sponsor) could video it and make it available (even for a fee) to your fans?


February 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGinny Brady

It's great to see you're filling up!

February 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

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