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New Mac Pros

Dock.jpgI've taken the decision to get a new Mac!

With the amount of video editing I do (but more importantly, the amount of video encoding I do), I've reached the point where I need to seriously beef up my processor power. So the obvious choice for me is the Mac Pro.

The only problem is that the current Mac Pro line is overdue for a revamp and I just know that if I order one today, the new machines will be released tomorrow!

It's no secret that Apple are working on a processor change for the Mac Pro using the new Intel "Penryn" chips - (via Appleinsider and Engadget).

The latest news from Yahoo indicates that Xcode (Apples software developement tools) have been upgraded to support the Penryn processor. A sure sign of the imminent release of new Mac Pros.

So some questions...

Will the new Mac Pros be launched at Macworld 2008? - I've an inkling that Apple won't wait for Macworld. As can be seen from last years Macworld, the January event is all about consumer products not pro level Macs. I think the new Mac pro will be launched before Xmas quietly and without fanfare, just like the last few revs of the MacBook and MacBook Pros.

Will they change the case design? - Probably not, but then again, I really don't care! It's going under the desk anyway and to be honest, the current aluminum industrial design is just fine.

So fingers crossed the new Mac Pros will be out any day now and the supply won't be constrained by the availability of the new processors.

So what will be announced at Macworld....

Let the rumours begin!

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Reader Comments (5)

Hi Don,
I know the feeling.. wanting that new mac so bad you can taste it, but also knowing the new releases are right around the corner. My word to you my friend is wait... if not at Macworld, then shortly after. You'll be able to tell they are coming when you see a bunch of refurbs in the Apple Store. I love my 2.66 Core 2 Dual MP, but I'd love a new one. :-)

November 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTim Verpoorten


I am definitely in the same boat but with the added pressure of having to buy before the end of the year in order to get that expensed for the current tax year. I'm actually thinking of getting a decked-out MacPro now and keeping it in the box until Macworld, just so I can take it back if the new ones come out!


November 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdanr

I'm already drooling....

I want.

November 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Hi Don

Ditto here although i will wait to see what Macworld Keynote brings with possible views into the Penryn roadmap. Just remember Penryn is release by Intel 6th Jan 2008 hmmmm


December 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

Ah, but that's the desktop and mobile version of the Penryns, the Xeon version destined for the Mac Pros were launched in November 2007.

Hence speculation that the Mac Pros would be launched in December.

Doubt it will happen this side of xmas now :-(

December 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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