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Insuring the iPhone

I just happen to have a special policy with my bank (who shall remain nameless) that covers holiday insurance for the year plus insurance for my mobile phone. As a new iPhone owner, I thought I'd let them know I've changed my phone and get the iPhone insured.

The abridged conversation went like this:

Me: Can I put my new Apple iPhone on my policy please?

Clerk: Ah, let me just check with my supervisor.....Erm yes, but you have to be aware we can't fully cover them! They don't go on our normal policy

Me: What do you mean?

Clerk: Well, the cover only goes up to £300 and the iPhone costs more than that with extras and things.

Me: Excuse me? It's only £269 at the Apple store!

Clerk: Well yes but we can't get them.

Me: So what happens if I make a claim?

Clerk: Well we'd send you a cheque for £300 minus your excess, so about £265

Me: That seems fine!

Clerk: What's the iEMI number?

Me: 01 136.....

Clerk: No that's wrong, it must start with 35

Me: Well that's what the phone says?

Clerk: Hang on while I speak to my supervisor......Weird, that's seem OK. Weird, very Weird.

After finishing the conversation, the following gem:

Clerk: So please be sure to take good care of the Phone

Me: Excuse me! What do you mean? Why do you say that?

Clerk: Well, the iPhone is the first phone Apple has produced. They're not used to making phones. It might not be very durable.

Me: (Restraining myself) Oh I see!

Clerk: Besides you're only covered for loss or theft.

So I let him off the hook at that point as I think he had my best interests at heart!

Interesting to see what the reaction (and FUD) the iPhone can generate though :-)

Reader Comments (2)

...`hmm. this post seems very DIRECT.. but I bet it's not your FIRST :-)

November 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Bridges

I couldn't possibly comment!


November 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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