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Kudos to The Omni Group

Dock-2.jpgNice page on the Omni Groups website consolidating the current "Leopard" status of all their applications.

Makes it nice and easy to upgrade where necessary!

And while you're on the OmniGroup website, you might want to check out some information they're sharing with the developer community - a update on Leopard adoption based on stats they are retrieving - thanks for sharing OmniGroup! (spotted by Fraser Spiers via Twitter)

Any bets on how many weeks before the Leopard and Tiger lines cross over - I'll say 8 weeks!

Reader Comments (2)

What do you mean by "cross over"?

November 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaurence Vittes

By "cross over" I mean where the number of Leopard installs increase and the number of Tiger installs decrease to the point where the lines on the graph on the Omni website "cross over". At this point, the numbers will be equal and from that point on, the number of Leopard installs will be greater than Tiger!

November 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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