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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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What it was like at the Vista line at CompUSA at The Apple Blog

So I waited in line at my local CompUSA here in San Diego. I fought the rain, some homeless guys for the free barbecue, and when I got out of my tent at midnight I scooted right to the front of the line. Ha! My early wait paid off and I was in and out of the store like greased lightning.

Wait a second...

When I bought OS X Tiger I seem to remember people at the store. In fact, I remember being there for two hours, giggling like a school girl every time I found a new cool widget....more at theappleblog

Tee Hee!

Great post by Todd Baur over at theappleblog.

I sorta knew that would happen.

Reader Comments (1)

Hey thanks!

February 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTodd Baur

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