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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Its a Wrap!

Well, you probably know I did Macworld 2007 last week. I think I’m nearly over it but not quite! Some additional media clips - If you want to check out any of the events I was invited to attend and voice my opinion, here’s a few links:

MacVoices - Day Two Wrap-Up Panel Discussion
The second MacVoices’ Expo Wrap-Up panel concludes Day 2 at Macworld Conference & Expo with MacVoices’ new European correspondent Don McAllister of Screencasts Online showing up in San Francisco on a surprise basis. Don joins MacVoices’ youth correspondent Dan Pourhadi, Take Control author Steve Sande, and Joel Persing of the Hershey Apple Core to discuss what they saw and what they liked at Expo. Included are Dan’s revised thoughts on the ModBook, a new Sync program that Steve is writing the documentation for, furniture manufacturing software from Joel. and what got Don’s attention on his first day at Expo.

MacVoices Day Four Wrap-Up Panel
Just after the close of Macworld Conference & Expo 2007, the final panel consisting of Don McAllister of Screencasts Online, Joel Persing of the Hershey Apple Core and host Chuck Joiner find some soft seats to review the week and the quality of the year’s biggest Mac event, what they liked and why they’ll be back.

Mac OS Ken - Interview
Ken collared me and Adam from the Maccast as we were leaving one of the many after hours events at Macworld (OK - a party!) Listen and see who you think has had the most sherbets! Actually, on reflection we all sound remarkably sober!
Interview with Ken Ray and Adam Christianson (Maccast) - Click on Listen Now and select episode Mac OS Ken: 01.11.2007

Maccast - Mac Podcasters Meetup
Adam from the Maccast also put together this event at the San Francisco Apple Store. I was honoured to be in such illustrious company. Adam has posted both parts of the discussion but my little party piece is in part 2. Part 1 can be found here.

It’s really weird listening to such familiar voices (to me anyway) all taking part in the same conversation!

A big shout out to those ScreenCastOnline viewers who took the time to come over and say hello, it was fantastic to meet you all!

Reader Comments (1)

Part to of the Podcaster meetup is now available!

January 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

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