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Business Podcasting Bible

1933596376-1.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_V41781871_.jpgOne very important person left off the list of people I met yesterday was Paul Colligan Paul Colligan.

We've exchanged several emails on the topic of the ScreenCastsOnline Extra! membership approach I've taken with ScreenCastsOnline as Paul is actively helping other Podcasters looking at ways to monetise their podcasts. ScreenCastsOnline (and myself) got a mention in Pauls session during the Expo. Paul also published his new book at the Expo - The Business Podcasting Bible.

To my delight, ScreenCastsOnline has got a mention in the book as one of Pauls favorite podcasts! What's even cooler is the it's mentioned on the same page as The Chris Pirillo Show, Battlestar Galactica, Podcast 411 and TWIT - all heavy hitters in the podcast would and I'm jazzed to be mentioned in such illustrious company (check out Page 226)

Thanks Paul!

PS I'll setup an affiliate link for anyone who wants to get the book when I get back to the UK

Update: Here is that affiliate link :-) Business Podcasting Bible

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