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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Safely Arrived

28-09-06_2337small.jpgWell it's now 10pm US time and 6am UK time. I'm back in my hotel room with free Wifi High Speed Internet sorting out todays emails and doing a few other bits and bobs!

I've been up now for 26 hours straight and I don't feel too bad! I'll see if I can stay up another hour and give the family a call.

After a one hour flight from Manchester to Heathrow and then a ten hour flight to LA, the three hour shuttle bus ride from LAX to Ontario was not the best way to finish off the trip. The traffic in LA is unbelievable! The shuttle missing a drop off and doubling back didn't help much.

Gave Adam Christianson (The Maccast) a ring when I got in and he was just off for something to eat with John Chambers (The One Minute Tip) so I joined them! Made a nice change after all the Airline food. Had a great chat with the guys and Adam was kind enough to pick up the tab - my turn tomorrow!

I've uploaded some pictures to the Flickr stream - they're OK seeing as they are off the Razr!

Finished up at the very noisy bar at the Marriott where I had a swift nightcap and left them to it. I'll press the flesh tomorrow.

All that's left is to sort out what sessions I'm going to tomorrow and then hit the sack.

Will keep you updated.

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