ScreenCastsOnline Review on @Monitor.CA

Whether you're a Mac-newbie looking to come up to speed on a complex Mac application or a seasoned Mac veteran looking to hone up on a particular software package, ScreenCastsOnline (SCO) can definitely help you keep abreast of the latest Macintosh technology.
Read Full Article - @MONiTOR.CA - MACstuff - July 2006
Steve Lawrenson over at @Monitor.CA has done a really nice (and extensive) review of ScreenCastsOnline. Steve is the Macintosh feature writer for Monitor magazine based in Ottawa, Canada and the article originally appeared in print but is now available on the Web.
Thanks Steve, after reading this perhaps I should consider increasing the Extra! subscription rates!
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Don,
I'm very proud of your work. I'm an extra subscriber since the first days and I'm so happy when I see a new SCO in iTunes .
My newsgroup signature ( on french mac NG ) contains your URL's Website because I think your work is very very good ...
Best regards,
"Thanks Steve, after reading this perhaps I should consider increasing the Extra! subscription rates!"
Wooah! I hope that was not literal... ;)