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Backup, Backup, Backup

My Powermac G5 has 2 x 250GB hard disks. I use Superduper to backup the system drive overnight to make a bootable copy so if the disk crashes I can be running again in minutes.

I have 2 x 250GB USB2 drives attached to the G5, one primary and one backup. The primary disk holds all my data (well nearly all my on) and is backed up overnight by Superduper to the backup drive.

Oh, and I have another USB2 drive attached to the G5 that holds my iTunes library - 120GB of music............

Guess which drive crashed today!


Backup people, backup!!!

Reader Comments (9)

Ouch Don,

Fortunaltey, when i crashed i iMac, i didn't loose anything... but it still sucks

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Smith

It wasn't the mac that crashed - just the drive. I kept meaning to back it up, honest!

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

But.... Is that purchased music or ripped from CDs (or stolen) ? If it's purchased, it's lost, if it's ripped or stolen, it'll take a looong time to recreate it... But at least you have a big number of them on your iPod, right? So using Senuti or iPodDisk, you should be able to restore the most important stuff. I hope you all the best, loosing data is the mosr frustrating thing in the world.

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commentershadownight


Really shadownight :-)

There is some purchased music in there but I did back that up using Backup 3. The rest is ripped from my CD collection so I could recreate. Probably why I didn't worry too much about backing up the drive but in hindsight, that was a bit silly.

Thanks for the tip about senuti or iPodDisk - that will save me some time!

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Yeah, I figured an English gentlemen like you wouldn't download music illegally... Just looking at all possibilities you know ;)

Just a precision about Senuti and iPodDisk: I think Senuti retains play count, rating, etc. , while iPodDisk doesn't, so Senuti is probably the best option.

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

Hey Don, just watched the Flock broadcast and laughed when you said you were celebrating your Silver Wedding this week because so am I. 11th July, 1981 and still going strong!

I therefore wanted to wish you another happy 25 years and as another Mac afficionado of just 7 years (and also not feeling my age) I will follow and recommend your blog from herein.

Best regards.

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan


Spooky!! That's the exact same date as mine!

We are having the party on saturday though.

Thanks for the good wishes and another happy 25 years to you and yours also.


July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Don, is all that 120GB of music in AAC Lossless? If it isn't, then that's a heck of a lot of music!

July 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterPeter M

Nah, But it does include a lot of video so it's not all music!

Managed to restore 60GB from my iPod so all is not lost.

July 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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