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OMG - It's Gonna Blow!

mbpbattery.jpgMy 17" MacBook Pro has been behaving very strangely over the last few weeks but only when on battery power. It just seemed to shut itself down with no warning!

Using it tonight, I heard a very strange pop and then 20 minutes later it shut itself down.

When picking it up, I noticed something very strange underneath the MBP. Instead of the usual sleek, perfectly flat surface there was a weird bump.

OMG - The battery had suddenly expanded and started the first stages of transforming itself into the Sydney Opera House. OK - perhaps not that dramatic but still quite a shock!

I thought it was only the 15" batteries that had issues!

Ah well, onto AppleCare tomorrow and hopefully they can ship me a new battery without sending the whole laptop off.

Update - Well I got my MacBook Pro back today (5/1/2007) after it going into my local repair centre under Applecare. Took them a week including the New Year Break so not too bad. I didn't realise how much I'd miss it!

Ah well, just in time for MacWorld!

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Reader Comments (2)

I hope you DO let us know what the folks of AppleCare said or did.

December 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterFred Zelders


They seemed a bit perplexed that it was a 17" MBP as there have been known issues with the 15" MBP batteries. My limited research on the net does indicate that some other 17" MBPs have also had similar issues.

Unfortunately, they weren't prepared just to send out a new battery as I suppose they wnat to investigate further so I had to drop off the MBP at my nearest Apple Authorised Supplier :-(

Just waiting for the call to say it's fixed but I suppose that may not happen now until the New Year.

December 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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