Back to Work - Sort Of!

Well it's Boxing Day here in the Uk and I've laid off the Mac for a couple of days. Had a backlog of 20 or so emails to clear so I did that.
Had a few thoughts over the break as to how to help switchers or new Mac users to find the right screencasts to help them transition to the Mac. The screencasts are there but as they are in published order, it's not always apparent which is most appropriate and in which order to view them.
So I'll put some links together over the next day or so to "steer" new users through.
Of course, it's never that simple so in prep, I've just redone the full show list (available to Extra! members) from a simple list of shows, to a nice table with a single entry for each show with the different resolutions on each line.
A couple of hours work which might go un-noticed but I feel better for doing it as it's been something I've been meaning to do for a while.
12:50am so I figure I'd best hit the sack but I fire up Google Reader and what do I find but a post by Robert Scoble following the recent publication of the interview I did with him:
Cool! Especially the bit about the loyal customers!
I flick over to the original post and lo and behold, there's 13 really nice comments about me and ScreenCastsOnline completely unsolicited.
I'd just like to say thanks to all those who posted a comment and those people who emailed me directly. And you know what, that couple of hours I just spent reformating a page of shows just to make it easier to use probably will get noticed.
Even if it doesn't, with comments like that I'm just happy to keep improving the service!
Had a few thoughts over the break as to how to help switchers or new Mac users to find the right screencasts to help them transition to the Mac. The screencasts are there but as they are in published order, it's not always apparent which is most appropriate and in which order to view them.
So I'll put some links together over the next day or so to "steer" new users through.
Of course, it's never that simple so in prep, I've just redone the full show list (available to Extra! members) from a simple list of shows, to a nice table with a single entry for each show with the different resolutions on each line.
A couple of hours work which might go un-noticed but I feel better for doing it as it's been something I've been meaning to do for a while.
12:50am so I figure I'd best hit the sack but I fire up Google Reader and what do I find but a post by Robert Scoble following the recent publication of the interview I did with him:
While other people are talking about helping content producers quit their day jobs to do more online content, Don McAllister, publisher of ScreenCasts Online just did it. Hear his business model on my show and how he’s helping lots of people learn how to use Macs. Lots of other videos are up on ScobleShow too from our London trip, more coming. Oh, he has a TON of loyal customers based on my referer logs.
Don quit his day job to Screencast Online « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger
Cool! Especially the bit about the loyal customers!
I flick over to the original post and lo and behold, there's 13 really nice comments about me and ScreenCastsOnline completely unsolicited.
I'd just like to say thanks to all those who posted a comment and those people who emailed me directly. And you know what, that couple of hours I just spent reformating a page of shows just to make it easier to use probably will get noticed.
Even if it doesn't, with comments like that I'm just happy to keep improving the service!
Technorati Tags:
Premium Podcasting, Subscription Membership, Subscription Tools, ScreenCasts, mac, ScreenCastsOnline, scoble, scobleshow
Reader Comments (1)
Great interview by Robert. Congratulations with that.
The new Showlist layout is quite an improvement.