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MacHeist - A Potential Unexpected Bonus

rw.pngPutting all controversy aside, it looks like MacHeist has generated $200,000 for charity!

Truly outstanding.

One of the products included in the promotion was Rapidweaver, one of ScreenCastsOnlines favourite applications.

I was reading Daniel Counsells blog today (Daniel is Mr Rapidweaver) who is defending the Macheist guys and mentions some of the benefits of Macheist including the addition of several thousand new users and sales have actually gone up.

When I checked on the number of users that had actually purchased the MacHeist bundle I was amazed to see the figure of 16,821!

That's 16,821 new users of Rapidweaver.

What also struck me was some of the detractors of MacHeist used the fact that the support burden for the developers due to the take on of additional users would be overwhelming. Dans response to this was that they'd only had 2 support emails from users.

Now I know that all 16,821 users would not all jump on RW and start using it straight way but the penny dropped!

ScreenCastsOnline has been a supporter of RW and has published 6 RW related screencasts. If you go to the Rapidweaver Learning Center you'll find links to all 6 episodes for free download. That's over 3 hours of RW tutorials available for new users which takes them through installation and basic operation, Advanced Functionality (specifically the blog page), Additional Information, A look at the plugins available from YourHead, A look at the eShox eCommerce plugin

I wonder if that has anything to do with the low number of support calls :-)

Other MacHeist vendors needing some screencasting goodness, please drop me an email!

As an aside, quite a few Rapidweaver users have gone on to become ScreenCastsOnline Extra! members after watching the Rapidweaver tutorials so fingers crossed. Another 17,000 ScreenCastsOnline Extra! members would be cool! - Dream on!

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Reader Comments (1)

I'm sure once the new RW users watch the tutorials your are more than likely to get a few new Extra! Subscribers.

I've been a SCO subscriber from the begining and also bought the MacHeist bundle. I was really interested in TextMate, RW and Delicious Library. I think both TextMate and Delicious Library will be great candidates for one of your screencasts - specially Textmate, :-). I've been also having a go at FotoMagico and look like a pretty nice program that creates impressive slideshows from your photos.

December 20, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMaria Gutierrez

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