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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Shameless Self Promotion - Plug #1

Despite being the shy and retiring type, last month was pretty busy with respect to promotion for the ScreenCastsOnline service. As well as the ScobleShow (still to be published but on its way!) I was asked to do several other interviews which are now starting to appear on the web.

So here's the first!

pp.jpgI've been following Paul Colligans blog Paul Colligans blog for a few months now. Paul is a well known Internet Marketing Guru with a special interest in Podcasting as a Business and the Monetisation of Podcasts. He also has a number of Podcasts including Podcast Tools and Profitable Podcasting.

When Paul switched over to the Mac, I sent him a complementary Premium Extra! membership which he accepted and found to be really helpful during the transition from Mac to PC, so much so that he also got his wife involved in using the ScreenCasts to learn iLife!

We exchanged some emails and he was blown away by the business model I had put together. That resulted in a brief mention of ScreenCastsOnline in his recent book The Business Podcasting Bible.

I managed to meet with Paul during the Podcast and Portable Media Expo and we had a great conversation on all things related to podcasting as a business. The result of that was Paul invited me to appear on his Profitable Podcasting podcast to talk about my experiences of setting up and transitioning ScreenCastsOnline from a hobby podcast to it being my sole source of income and supporting me and my family!

The interview is about 30 minutes long and can be found here.

My thanks to Paul for the exposure and the chance to appear on his podcast.

PS The project I mention at the end of the interview is still in its infancy but if you want to sign up to get more details as they are available, there is a web page with some more information at

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