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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScobleShow !!

scoble.jpgI got a really interesting email over the weekend that came completely out of the blue!

Robert Scoble (ex-Microsoft blogger and now host of Podtechs ScobleShow ) is in the UK for various speaking engagements and visits. Jan Kabili (of suggested to Robert that he look me up when in the UK to talk about ScreenCastsOnline.

I met Jan at the Podcast Expo back in September and prior to that gave her some hints and tips on screencasting to help get off the ground. Obviously, one good turn deserves another, so thanks Jan!

The upshot is I'm travelling down to the Online Information conference in London tomorrow where Robert is speaking and we'll record a session for the ScobleShow. I'll be taking my MacBook pro and will probably give a demo on screencasting and talk about ScreenCastsOnline.

I might even make some announcements on a new venture I'm planning for the New Year.

Say hello if you're at the conference or keep an eye open for the ScobleShow. I'll post a link once it gets aired.

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Reader Comments (1)

Congratz Don!

I'm looking forward to the Scoble Show SCO-episode!

"I might even make some announcements on a new venture I’m planning for the New Year."

November 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterFred Zelders

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