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I want my iTV!

The more I think about the introduction of the iTV, the more I think it's going to be a game changer.

I've got a PVR and a Series 1 Tivo yet I'm still missing shows as I can't be bothered to use the crappy interface on the PVR and the Tivo picture quality is showing its age.

I've got an elgato TV eye on the Mac which is a pleasure to use but the Mac isn't connected to the TV.

I've got 3.5 gigabytes of video podcasts downloaded which I need to look at but I really can't watch them on my computer. I don't know if it's me but I just can't spend time watching video on the computer, I just feel I should be doing something else.

I've got access to hundreds of Gigabytes of HD material on the Internet (I know, I know...)

The iTV will pull all this together seamlessly and I'll be able to watch what I want, when I want all from the comfort of my couch on my HD TV. All we'll need is for more Video podcasts to create HD compatible content.

I can't wait!

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