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Something to Aspire To!

crib.jpgNow this guy I can relate to!

Larry Larsen

Check out the Cribs Parody on the page.

Pity he's a Microsoftie :-)


Update - Pity the page doesn't load properly in either Camino or Firefox.

Reader Comments (4)

Nice video - like the way the chair arms move in and out, and the hard-drive innards as wall-art , but can you tell an old git like me what the 'cribs parody' alludes to?

Seems to display OK in Opera for the Mac.

By the way Don, everytime I click on an entry in your blog I get a blank pop-up appearing. (Opera and Safari). Doesn't seem to happen for any other blogs.

October 25, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercolinc

Hi Colin,

The "cribs parody" relates to an MTV program which goes around to various pop, rock and hiphop stars houses and checks out their "crib". I'm assuming "crib" refers to what we used to say in the old days as their "pad" :-)

The usual house tends to be lots of awards on the walls, plasms TV's poping out of cupboards, home studios in the basement, 47 cars in the driveway, you get my drift :-)

Back to the popup issue, which bit of the post are you clicking on to cause this action. No one else has mentioned this before?


October 25, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Thanks for the info Don.
The popup occurs when I enter the blog, and on any mouse click within the blog, eg. clicking on an individual blog entry. It occurs in Opera, Safari and Firefox.
(Firefox blocks it, so it soesn't actually show, but the warning banner appears).
In Camino it appears, but doesn't seem to complete loading, and the bottom line status bar in the camino main window says 'Read', in fact it appears just as the status bar says 'connecting to' so maybe it's a flickr issue.
The popup appears blank and View Source shows it to have no content.
Doesn't seem to happen in any other blogs, just this one. Most odd.

October 25, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercolinc

strange - seems to work OK now. No pop-ups appearing, in Opera at least.

October 27, 2006 | Unregistered Commentercolinc

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