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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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37signals Profile on Apple Website


Regular viewers of ScreenCastsOnline will know I'm a big fan of 37signals and have done a couple of screencasts on their products, including one sponsored by 37signals.

They've always struck me as very smart guys with an incredible eye for detail, who have revolutionised the web with simple, well designed products that scale and just work.

One blog post that made me smile was this from The Official Google Reader blog from those other smart guys over at Google. You'll see the Google guys have made a "Web 2.0" meter to measure just how "Web 2.0" Google Reader is. The meter ranges from Google thru Gmail thru Flickr to the maximum value - 37signals!

Kudos Jason!

To cap it all Apple have made a short, stylish profile video of Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hasson (the developer of Ruby on Rails). It's well worth a watch.

And 37signals are well worth watching too!

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