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Google Watch : Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs

Google Watch : Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs: "Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs
Breaking news: Google will announce tomorrow at the Office 2.0 conference a new product called Google Docs, which will merge Writely and Google Spreadsheets into a collaboration and document management solution, according to sources.The new offering will be available at, although that address produces a 404 error right now. "

(Via Weblog.)


I've been a long time fan of Writely and recently started to get into Google Spreadsheets. Have to say the Google SS still has a way to go to get close to Excel but for 60% of traditional spreadsheet work it's OK.

This is exciting news and chairs will be flying in Redmond today.

Is it me or are Google slowly but surely taking over the web? Is that a good or a bad thing?

Looking forward to the next Gilmor Gang!

UPDATE: 30 seconds after posting this I tried and wouldn't you kmow it, they've launched it already - the major bummer is it doesn't support Safari. This may be a major issue for Mac users and I know that with Writely that there were some serious issues in Safari that made it impossible to use with Writely. Camino and Flock and Firefox should be OK though.

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