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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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2TB Raid5 in a G5

Then I found it, the G5Jive It's a simple little metal chassis that holds three drives and sits in the empty space in front of the fans INSIDE my G5. It takes a little bit of reconfiguring the power cables, and you have to remove the optical drive to install it, but once it's in, it's perfect. It runs off the power supply already going into the G5, so no big bricks in the wall, and everything is hidden away, inside the computer. Combine that with the extra drive space in the G5 next to the boot drive, and I've got 4 empty slots, ready for drives. Plus it was cheaper than any external enclosure I found, with our without the RAID controller. $80. Lovely (obviously this only works for you if you've got a G5, but I do, so... Lovely.)

Treemeat: Text: I got 98 problems, but lack of space ain't one.

Great piece about installing an internal RAID 5 array in a PowerMac G5. If you've seen the screencast about the firewire enclosure this is the next step up. More expensive but gives you the benefit of RAID 5 so no worries about any of the disks crashing as you could rebuild a disk nad recreate your data quite easily.

Ah well, perhaps when my 1TB JBOD array fills up I could consider this!

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Mainstream Media Actively Soliciting Citizen Journalism

Your news, your say, your picsDo you have a scoop that you want to tell the world about? Have you witnessed a news story in your area?Have you taken a picture or filmed some video on your phone or digital camera that tells the story? If so, we want to hear from you.Some of the most powerful journalism comes from people telling their own experiences in their own words.

BBC NEWS | UK | Your news, your say, your pics

Nice to see the crossover happening.

I think Dave Winers long bet due in 2007 is pretty safe!

"My bet with Martin Nisenholtz at the Times says that the tide has turned, and in five years, the publishing world will have changed so thoroughly that informed people will look to amateurs they trust for the information they want." Dave Winer

DaveNet : My Long Bet with the NY Times

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Jon Stewart on Net Neutrality

Heard this on TWIT but Jon Stewart does a great job. It's always good to hear again! - Link via YouTube

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