About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Uncategorized (18)


Great Idea For a Studio!

One of my musical heros has a blog! That would be Thomas Dolby. And in his blog, he tells of his search for a new boat to build a studio in. The thing is the boat will remain in his garden, firmly planted on dry land. What a great idea! Not sure if I've got the room in my garden for such a structure for the ScreenCastsOnline studio though. You can read more about it here

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Interview - Struggling Entrepreneur

I don't usually cross post on my blogs but this is a link to my other blog where I've posted a link to an interview I did with Fred Castaneda, host of the “Gain Control of Your Day” and “The Struggling Entrepreneur” Podcasts. Fred interviewed me during the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario back in September. It's mainly about the business side of podcasting but you may find it interesting! Thanks Fred! Link

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Ilife & iWork Linked to Leopard?

Following my recent post about the no show of ilife 07 and iWork 07. Someone has suggested that they may well be Leopard dependent applications and so will be released when Leopard is. That would seem to be logical as a number of third party apps have already announced they would be using some of the Leopard only technology so it figures Apple might do the same. Also talk of an iPhone without the phone bit possibly in the works ie Just the widescreen ipod. Not too sure myself! Off to the MacBreak Weekly recording shortly (and wrap up party). Think I might leave some of the kit behind tomorrow and do the show floor more thoroughly. It's a hard life but someone's got to do it!

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Starbucks it is then!

DSC00155.jpgAh Well, I know to get a Conference ticket next time. So I'm actually sitting in the Starbucks next to Mosone West waiting for the keynote to start. It could be worse. I've got a nice hot coffee and the internet access is fine. I'll probably be following via MacRumors coverage which is second to none. If anyone is reading this inside the hall and takes pity on me who has a spare VIP pass, if you want to come and get me, I'm the guy with the MBP and the green checked shirt ;-)

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Testing from the latest show

Originally uploaded by screencastsonline.
Can you guess what it is yet?

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