Plan B

There's a problem with this week's show!
I can't record it.
The reason I can't record it, is I'm a bit poorly. Not dramatically poorly, just a bit.
Poorly enough, that if I was in a proper job I'd probably throw a "sickie" or "duvet day" as I've heard it called, but I'll survive.
The real problem is that I've a heavy head cold and cough which makes me sound awful. No issue with sitting in front of the Mac all day, but really, you wouldn't want to listen to me for 30 minutes and I really don't feel up to recording the necessary couple of hours of material needed to edit down to 30 minutes.
This creates a major issue for me as there is no plan B.
At least, not formally.
Each weeks show is usually recorded a couple of days before the publication day. That way I can keep things fresh and responsive, able to jump on any new developments or new software that comes out.
The downside is that there is no buffer. If there's a problem like this week, I have no fall back.
Yes, I know I should probably have a couple of shows in the can for times just like this, but I haven't - something I should address perhaps, or at least have one show in the can at all times.
I'll try and sort that out.
So what to do for this week.....
OK, so to completely contradict myself, I have a spare show... sort of!
It's not a normal show, it's a short tutorial that was commissioned by a previous sponsor of the show to put on their website for a new release of some familiar software. I completed the recording earlier this week, before getting sick. My original intention was to record a normal, Mac related show this week (important point!), publish the normal show today as usual, and then next week, publish this short iPad episode as a bonus show.
As there is no normal show today, I could either not post anything, or throw this short tutorial in the feed so you've got at least something to watch.
But there's another issue (stick with me, nearly there).
It's about some iPad software.
Not just any old iPad software, but the gorgeous new version of Things.
So where's the issue?
Well, I promised that this weeks show would be about the Mac, and that was my intention. I've previously posted that I would not go iPad crazy and as I mentioned earlier, the plan was to do a normal Mac based show this week.
I've had less than a handful of emails and tweets from viewers concerned about the lack of Mac content in the past two shows (but lets be fair, one was an iPhone show and one was the live draw for the iPad giveaway) but I always figure there are more viewers who think the same that don't reach out to let their feelings known.
What makes it worse, is the recent announcement of the months delay to the international release of the iPad. So a huge swathe of viewers can't even get the iPad, and here I am putting out another iPad related clip!
All things considered, I still think it's best to put something out, rather than go dark for a week.
It's still a great application and the Cultured Code guys have done a great job on rewriting Things to take advantage of the iPad. I have to say, I'm pretty delighted the way the video has turned out too.
So I'll just tie up a few loose ends and get the video finished and post it later today.
For those without iPads, I'm sorry, but at least you'll get to see some iPad software up close and personal!