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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in ScreenCastsOnline (189)


EyeTV Coming To ScreenCastsOnline

EyeTV 2.2.2 software, the version that is bundled with the new EyeTV for DTT stick, introduces a new Full Screen Menu. This enables you to sit back and relax while you watch and record television on your Mac as well as browse Front Row. It will see wide release in the upcoming EyeTV 2.3 update, which is scheduled to be available later in July 2006.

digg - Full screen EyeTV and Front Row integration coming for all EyeTV 2 users

Now I'm not normally one to let slip future ScreenCastsOnline shows but this is in the pipeline. Elgato have promised to ship me one of the new EyeTV for DTT, in fact one of the very first production models to do a screencast on. EyeTV 2.3 with Front Row integration could be a killer app for the mac and might just tempt me into getting a new Intel Mac Mini to hook up to the TV permanently as a mac based media center. I've been playing with some of their other products and the EyeTv software is really good with simple editing to remove ad breaks and really simple integration with the iPod. Keep subscribed to ScreenCastsOnline and be one of the first to see this new hardware and software combination in action real soon. Subscribe in iTunes URL for Democracy Player, NetNewsWire or other

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Good Job I Do a Mac Podcast

The majority of people who download audio or video podcasts use Safari, hinting that Apple users may download the most podcasts. Firefox came in second overall. Internet Explorer came in a distant third among audio podcast downloaders, and AOL was third among video podcast downloaders.

Podcasts popular in the holodeck | CNET

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SCO0057 - Flock Screencast Released

This weeks ScreenCastsOnline episode has been published and is all about the latest Beta release of Flock - the cross platform Web 2.0 browser.

I had a chance to play with it over the weekend and I was so impressed I just had to do a screencast to spread the "Flock goodness" around.

Flock is an astounding browser built on FireFox and features integration with...

* Delicious & Shadows - for social bookmarking
* Flickr & Photobucket - for photo sharing
* Blogging - Has a built in blogging tool for virtually any blog tool
* RSS Reader - Fully featured RSS reader

It's available for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux and is a must try application.

Highly recommended!

Note: I've purposefully included the higher resolution Enhanced Desktop version in this weeks free SCO feed as a special treat for all non SCO Extra! members. If you like it you can get this resolution (and an even higherresolution) by becoming a ScreenCastsOnline Extra! member!

Here are some useful links....

ScreenCastsOnline Website

Subscribe to ScreenCastsOnline in iTunes

Direct Link to the Flock Screencast (60MB)

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SCO0050 - Parallels Offer

Ok, So I never did a special ScreenCastsOnline offer on Parallels when I did the original screencast and you all gone out and bought a copy. Ah well, if you didn't and you want to get a 37.5% discount you can use this affiliate link or click on the image above. Better late than never! Parallels Desktop for Mac is powerful desktop virtualization solution that empowers IT professionals with the ability to develop, test and deploy in multiple operating systems on a single Intel-based Mac. A sophisticated virtual machine engine supports nearly every standard x86-based operating system, including the entire Windows family, multiple Linux distributions, OS/2, MS-DOS and FreeBSD, each of which can be launched and utilized in completely networked, fully portable, totally independent virtual containers. Since guest operating systems are self-contained and directly access hardware profiles, users never need to proactively partition hard drives allocate system resources, or continually reboot the host operating system. Check out the original screencast from this page

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Encoding Woes

Spent all day (Tuesday 11/7) recording and editing this weeks screencast, Really pleased with the result. Fired up Batch Processing in FCP to encode the 4 versions of the show in various resolutions. It's a really neat way to finish off the process and a bit of a time saver. All completed without error so kicked off CyberDuck to upload to Libsyn. Another time consuming process as my upload speed sucks! Have you tried to upload a 130MB file? File transfer finished, kick off feeder to create the feeds. Libsyn doesn't show the transferred files on the media page but I can see them via FTP. Ah well! Kick off Rapidweaver to create the site post... All hunkydory.... Publish the feeds, publish the site... Test the free version on the site and notice that the opening titles are screwed up..DAMM View the HD and ED versions and their titles are screwed as well......ARGHHHH The rest of the file seems OK so I pulled the Free Version from the feed and am re-encoding. It's got another 2 hours to go and it's 12:50am. I think it will need to wait until the morning. Such is the life of an independant media creator :-( Update: Well it's the following morning and wouldn't you believe it but the 2nd run is also screwed. Time for some further investigation! Further Update: It's now 1pm the following afternoon (12/7) and it's still not sorted :-( It takes two hours to encode a single episode and I'm on my 3rd attempt. Rather than encode from within FCP I've exported the episode as a full quality QT file and am using QT Pro to encode. Will know if it's worked in an hour or so, then upload again, then redo the feed. Yet Another Update: Glad to say that the free version is re-encoded (finally) and has been posted to the feed.

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