About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in ScreenCastsOnline (189)


Making Preparations For the Expo

13159_MotImage.jpgGot my new mobile phone today, a Motorola Razr V3i. I really wish that Apple would bring out the iPhone. The Razr is OK and syncs with my mac using iSync but it's a bit clunky in operation. How I wish Apple would release a phone! I read a post a day or so about Apple simplicity and how easy it is to select an Apple product. I went into my local phone store and was totally bemused by the number of phones available for sale. Apple will clean up if they launch the iPhone. Anyway, the plan is to use the phone to take some photos of the Podcast and Portable Media Expo and my travels. I've included a Flickr photostream in the far right column and you can also subscribe to the photostream using this Link

I can't promise the photos will be of any note but it may give you a flavour of what is going on. i'll be uploading the photos from the phone via bluetooth to the MacBook Pro and then via wifi to Flickr. Hope you will follow along!

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New Tools Required

As ScreenCastsOnline becomes more popular, I'm realising I haven't got all the tools in place to manage the podcast as effectively or efficiently as it could be managed. This is in a couple of areas:

Subscriptions - This is currently a high priority to get sorted! It's been OK for the past six months but now that renewals are due, it's just too much to handle manually. I've identified a package to help but it's going to take some effort to deploy but it's a real priority

Show Production - Not much I can do about the recording and editing but the final stages of publishing need some attention - I'll see to this following the new member management package.

Extra! Membership - It's due for a revamp and restructuring. I was hoping to have this in place for 1st October but it's closely tied into the new software package so might slip by a few weeks.

Podcast Hosting - I've been with Libsyn since I started and I have the utmost respect for them and fully support them. Heck, without Libsyn, I wouldn't be in the position I am today as a full time podcaster. But any downtime or problems with the hosting really screws me over due. I needed to find a really stable, highly reliable and scalable alternative or backup hosting provider. Don't forget, these are large HD video files that I'm pushing out, the last one 146MB and the fallout from Libsyn hosting issues was manageable but if people are paying for an Extra! subscription, the delivery needs to be rock solid.

I think I've found a great solution in the Amazon S3 but more about that in another post!

I'll keep the blog updated with my progress over the next few months as I progress with developing and deploying these new tools.

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Sorry for the Downtime

Very remiss of me not updating the blog for so long but lot's has been happening in the ScreenCastsOnline world. I'll try and get up to date in the next two days before heading off to the Podcast and Portable Media Expo but I have got this weeks show to do before I go, so best endevours apply!

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Dear Journalist,

You have been succesfully registered to the Apple Expo 2006 as a member of the press and we will be very happy to welcome you in Paris on September 12th.

Your press badges will be printed out in advance and will be available.......

We will send you the final details in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon !

Apple Expo PR Team

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I Need A Mac Pro

I often read or hear people asking why do we need faster and faster processors and machines when most people only ever need enough to support Wordprocessing.

Well my Dual Processor G5 is currently maxed out as I'm:

  • Using FCP to encode this weeks ScreenCastsOnline show in H264
  • Creating a Rapidweaver entry to post to the ScreenCastsOnline site
  • Uploading both the ED and Free versions of the show to Libsyn using Cyberduck
  • Archiving a 35GB iDVD project from my MacBook Pro to the firewire array hanging off the G5

Now don't get me wrong, the machine is coping (I'd hate to do this on Windows) and all is progressing but it's all a bit laboured.

I wonder how a Mac Pro would cope :-)

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