The more I use email to communicate with the ScreenCastsOnline audience, the more I realise just how powerful a medium it is!
Paul Colligan blogged yesterday about his frustration with people who keep stating that email is dead...
Email marketing ain’t dead - and I’m not talking Spam - I’m talking legitimate relationships made with people who ask to be updated by email because that channel works best for them.
Email marketing ain’t dead - and I’m not talking Spam.... at Paul Colligans Blog
Despite having a podcast with reasonable audience figures, I decided to not just rely on my RSS feeds to communicate with my audience. RSS feeds are great but if the viewer stops viewing for any length of time, iTunes will kindly stop downloading my show.
If there is a problem with my feed, I have no means of communicating with the audience. As this is my livelihood, it's not a good place to be!
So I started building a couple of email lists a few months ago - one for my Extra! membership and one for the free feed. These are opt-in lists - absolutely no spam and people have to confirm membership.
The Extra! membership list has over 80% adoption but this is to be expected as these are my paying members and are fully engaged with ScreenCastsOnline. The list for viewers of the free show is much less but building up day on day.
I treat both lists with respect and use them to add value to the overall ScreenCastsOnline experience.
Only recently, I started a weekly newsletter to both lists that "follows up" each weekly show with supplementary material and additional hints and tips. It takes me a couple of hours to put together but the feedback has been tremendous.
But the reason for this post was to re-emphasise Pauls point that email is certainly not broken in all cases.
Only last night, I decided to throw together a quick and dirty survey for ScreenCastsOnline Extra! members to get some feedback on recent developments and looking for new ideas for the future direction of ScreenCastsOnline. I sent a link for the web based survey to the Extra! email list with a covering note. Immediately after sending the email, I made the survey live and then completed the survey myself to test it.
Two or three minutes later, I'd finished the survey and logged on to check the results from the single session I'd created. My jaw nearly hit the desk when I realised in that
two or three minute period, 27 people had received the email, clicked the link and completed the survey.
Now approx 8 hours later, 74% of the emails have been opened and 30% of the readers have kindly completed the survey. The results are an eye opener and I've got enough data to spend the next few days analysing the results to make ScreenCastsOnline a much better service.
Yes, email can be a pain but handled correctly, is an absolutely indispensable method of communication.
PS I'll be looking at setting up email lists and other mechanisms that go towards
"Building a Subscription Podcast" in the new year. If you'd like a sneak peak of what I'm planning, check out This is just a marker page but guess what, you can sign up for the mailing list and I'll keep you in the loop as things progress.
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