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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Podcasting (53)


Some New Dates for Podcast Courses

I mentioned in an earlier posting that I'll be doing some personal podcasting training in conjunction with The Learning Lab in Telford, UK.

I'm delighted to say that the courses are filling up fast and consequently, I've been asked to put on some additional courses! So here are the revised dates (new dates in italics)..

Podcasting For Beginners - 20th February 2007 - Sold Out
Podcasting For Beginners - 13th March 2007 - Sold Out
Advanced Podcasting - 22nd March 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 17th April 2007
Advanced Podcasting - 1st May 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 15th May 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 5th June 2007
Advanced Podcasting - 19th June 2007

Please contact The Learning Lab directly for more information.

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Me, Steve and Seven Macbooks

No, not that Steve! Spent all day yesterday over at the Learning Labs with Steve Molyneux preping some of the Macbooks we'll be using for the Podcasting courses I'm running over there over the next few months. I've not really had chance to use a Macbook properly other than a cursory examination over at the Apple store. Really nice machines! We did hit one problem though in that the 10 headsets didn't work with the machines - headphones yes but not the microphones. It transpires that the audio in on the Macbook is a Line In and not a Microphone In so the levels are mismatched. Looks to be the same on the MacBook Pro. Ah well, we think we can source 10 USB audio connectors before next week. Had a play with some of the presenters options in Keynote when using a secondary screen - very cool! MonitorWindow.jpgAlso tested SpyMe 2 from Readpixel. You may remember I did a screencast on the original Spy Me a while ago. SpyMe is a remote mamagement tool that allows you to view or remote control a Mac desktop remotely. SpyMe 2 has been enhanced significantly to allow you to monitor, view and control multiple Mac desktops all from a single desktop (once you have the 10 or unlimited server licence $35 and $95 respectively). Pretty impressive and works straight out of the box! I could monitor all seven Macbooks and see all the screens at once. I click and I had control of any screen. Another click and every Macbook was locked, stopping any surreptitious web surfing! Ah the power! I might just have to do a screencast on this little gem as its has some other pretty cool features added in! I'll see if I can do a deal with Readpixel on a ScreenCastsOnline discount! Oh an by the way, the session for the 20th is now full so there's an overspill class setup for the 13th March (with only 4 places left on that!). There's some extra overspill dates setup for the other sessions as places are limited and filling up fast.

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ScreenCastsOnline on the Apple Website!


Just doing some prep for the upcoming Podcasting training I'm doing next week and came across this little gem! ScreenCastsOnline is listed on the Apple Podcasting in Training page on the Apple website :-) How cool is that!

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Something Different - A Personal Appearance!


Now this might not appeal to everybody but if you'd like to learn all about podcasting and would like to attend a more traditional instructor led session by yours truly, your wishes have just come true :-) Yes, I'm bravely coming out from behind the security and comfort of my screencasting studio and delivering some actual podcasting training live in person! It just so happens that one of the regular ScreenCastsOnline viewers is a guy called Steve Molyneux who it turns out is one of the UKs top elearning experts (and also he's from Liverpool like me!). Along with many other roles, Steve is the Director of the "Learning Lab" based at Telford University here in the UK. To cut a long story short, Steve has asked me to present a number of "Podcasting Workshops" at the Learning Lab over the next few months starting on 20th February 2007. The sessions I'll be delivering are:

Podcasting For Beginners
"This one day workshop is aimed at educators needing to gain an understanding of podcasting technologies and podcast creation and will primarily focus on audio and enhanced podcasts. Using tools provided with the Apple Mac platform, the workshop will cover the basics of podcasting including an appreciation of the various podcasting technologies available, choosing podcasting equipment, planning and designing podcasts, podcast creation, podcast editing and publication. The workshop will include both demonstrations and hands on exercises for the delegates to experience just how easy podcasting can be and how podcasts can be utilised in the educational environment." Advanced Podcasting
This one day workshop follows on from the ‘Podcasting for Beginners’ workshop and is aimed at educators with some understanding of podcasting technologies who need to explore the topic in greater depth. The workshop also looks at creating video podcasts and screencasts. Using tools provided with the Apple Mac platform, the workshop will cover the more advanced aspects of audio and enhanced podcast recording and post production, creating and editing video podcasts and screencasts, RSS feed creation and publication. The workshop will include both demonstrations and hands on exercises for the delegates to practice some of the techniques examined during the workshop.

Update: I’m delighted to say that the courses are filling up fast and consequently, I’ve been asked to put on some additional courses! So here are the revised dates (new dates in italics)..

Podcasting For Beginners - 20th February 2007 - Sold Out
Podcasting For Beginners - 13th March 2007 - Sold Out
Advanced Podcasting - 22nd March 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 17th April 2007
Advanced Podcasting - 1st May 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 15th May 2007
Podcasting For Beginners - 5th June 2007
Advanced Podcasting - 19th June 2007

These one day workshops are limited to a maximum of 10 people and will be a mixture of theory and practical hands on stuff so should be good fun! And it's all based on Macs so you'll have a nice Macbook to play with. The cost is a very reasonable £120 per person and take place at the Learning Lab in Telford, Shropshire, UK. The workshops are open to everyone, not just Learning Lab members. So, if you'd like to see the face behind the voice and want in on some of my trade secrets, contact the Learning Labs direct and book a place - you can book on-line here. If you do decide to book a place and are a regular ScreenCastsOnline viewer, drop me a line at to let me know which session you're on!

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Another Interview!

PodCast-logo-Long-SMHad an email from John Nemerovski of just before Christmas asking if I'd like to appear on the podcast for a chat.

What with Christmas and Macworld, we finally managed to hook up last week and John has just posted the chat as part of the weekly podcast. You can find the podcast here where you can download the show or find links to subscribe in iTunes. It's a fairly long show but I turn up round about 50:04 for 10 minutes or so. The whole podcast is well worth a listen and I've subscribed! Thanks to John for the chat and publishing the podcast.

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