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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Podcasting (53)


Screencasting 101 - Slot at Podcast & New Media Expo Announced

nextshow.gif Just noticed that the sessions have been posted for the Podcast and New Media Expo in Ontario. I'll be attending and speaking at the event. My session has been placed in Track 5 - New Media for Special Interests and is scheduled for Friday September 28th @ 3:15pm. There is a permalink to the session here and also a discussion forum for the session here. I'll subscribe to the forum and respond to any specific questions about the session there, plus also take any suggestions for content. I did originally submit two topics for inclusion in the Expo, Screencasting and also Podcast Monetisation. I've got a lot of experience and information in monetising podcasts due to the fact the ScreenCastsOnline is my full time job and has been paying the bills for over a year. The organisers have gone with the Screencasting as the primary session as they had over 700 submissions for 60 slots so perhaps having 2 sessions from me wouldn't be fair. However, they have snuck in a reference to the monetisation angle in the session description so I suppose that this does give me the option to include this as well. I just don't know if that will be appropriate for the bulk of the audience who are coming to see the screencasting bit! I'll throw it open on the Expo forum thread to gauge the response. My flights are booked and my hotel (I'm in the Marriot) is booked so I'm really looking forward to the trip. If anyone wants to meet up during the Expo, just send me a note.

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MacVoices - New Interview Posted

macvoices.jpgHad a good chat with Chuck Joiner last week on all things Apple from this side of the pond. The chat is now available as a podcast and can be retrieved here: MacVoices #755 Hope you like it!

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Speaking at Podcast & New Media Expo

nextshow.gifJust had word that I've been selected to speak at the Podcast and new Media Expo in Ontario, California, USA! The Expo is on from the 28th thru 30th September 2007 at the Ontario Convention Center. I attended last year and was blown away by the content and the networking opportunities to meet other podcasters. It really is a great event to learn all about podcasting and is well supported with a great exhibit hall and some very informative sessions. This year is going to include much more info on video podcasting but covers the whole spectrum of podcasting including conference sessions split into 5 tracks: - Track 1: Audio & Video Podcasting 101 - A to Z for Beginners - Get Up To Speed Fast
- Track 2: Attracting & Growing Your Audience - Connecting To Your Audience & Guerilla Marketing
- Track 3: The Business of Podcasting & New Media - Monetization & Business Podcasting
- Track 4: Advanced Audio & Video Production - Advanced "How To" Techniques
- Track 5: New Media for Special Interests - Educators, Musicians, Non-profits and more
The cool thing is that you don't have to pay for the full conference as entry to the Exhibit Hall is free but to be honest, at only $249 for the full conference it's a steal! So what am I presenting on... Well screencasting of course, what else! I'll post some more information once the sessions are scheduled. To checkout the Expo click on this link

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Mac Podcasters Meetup Video

Picture 4.pngWell here's a surprise! You may remember I got asked onto the Mac Podcasters panel at MacWorld in San Fransisco back in January. This was a special event at the Apple store put together by Adam Christianson of the Maccast. The panel consisted of many Mac podcast luminaries including Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsey, Merlin Mann, StuFF mc, and many others. It was a bit weird to be in such esteemed company. Now it transpires that there is a video of the proceedings and StuFF mc of the Pomcast has hosted the video on his website. So if you want to check out the video, nip across to Thanks StuFF mc

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1 Down, 7 to Go


Well I'm delighted to say the first day of training at the Learning Lab is now under my belt! Yes, today was the inaugural flight of the "Podcasting for Beginners" 1 day course and you'll be glad to know it appears to have been a success. The only glitch appears to be a couple of faulty USB connectors for the external headsets went on the blink, but we managed to work around that. If the evaluation forms were anything to go by, it looks like the structure and content hit the mark and everyone seemed pleased as punch at the end of the day. We may have even got a convert to the Mac :-) Props go out to all the attendees for being guinea pigs on this first run through. I have to say that they all coped extremely well, even without the aid of a mouse on the Macbooks - I'm promised that they'll be available on the next course! Thanks also to Steve, Liz and Abi at the Learning Lab for giving me the opportunity to run these courses and for looking after us so well. Looking forward to the next one!

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