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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Podcasting (53)


Interview on

Always happy to support new ventures so I was delighted to be invited to be the first interviewee on a brand new podcast called 335seconds. This is a new podcast from fellow brit, Seb Payne. A short and simple 6 minute interview with no edits. You can find the first episode here. Best of luck with the podcast Seb, and thanks for the invite

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MacBreak Weekly

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte.pngWhat a 24 hours! I've been a huge fan of MacBreak Weekly for ages and it's one of those must listen to podcasts that I consume as soon as it's released. As if you didn't know, it's hosted by Leo Laporte, one of the most prolific and most respected tech broadcasters both in podcasting and traditional media. Add in a great panel of witty and well informed Mac tech pundits and you have a recipe for a brilliant, must listen to show. Leo was at the New Media Expo streaming live for two days during the Expo and had invited podcasters to come along to his booth for a chat. Unfortunately, I was late to step up due to other commitments but I saw many of my good friends such as Allison Sheridan and Victor Cajiao managed to get a slot on his show. Ah well perhaps next time! All was not lost as I later discovered I'd received a name check from Leo on an episode of This Week in Media that had been recorded at the Expo - fantastic! My name, and that of ScreenCastsOnline, had been mentioned with respect to the business side of podcasting and how I'd been able to make my living as a professional podcaster. Out of courtesy, I thought I'd send Leo an email thanking him for the mention. I wasn't really sure if he'd actually get the email as I'd heard that email wasn't really his strong point and he's such a busy guy recording up to 40 hours of live video each week (how does he do it!). Anyhow, after asking the twitterati if there was an email address that he might pick up from, I duly sent off my email to thank him. As an aside, I wishfully mentioned that if ever they wanted a contribution from a UK based podcaster for MacBreak Weekly, just say the word. I knew that he regularly has Wil Harris from on TWIT and Wil always gets a good reception from the Twit army. Imagine my incredulity on receiving an email back from Leo within the hour. Not only that, but saying that he would love to have me on, oh and by the way, would I be available later that day to appear on MacBreak Weekly! After picking myself up of the floor, I of course responded YES! An hour or so later, I was watching the stream as Leo started to prepare for the MacBreak Weekly show when he announced me as a guest and called me via Skype! So that's the background to my first appearance on MacBreak Weekly - Episode 103 - which has now been released. Despite being incredibly nervous (I hope it didn't show) the guys were consummate professionals and made me feel right at home. Ninety minutes flew by and I had a great time, even if it did feel somewhat surreal being able to enter into a two way conversation with voices previously I could only listen to. Even better, I was invited to return to the show anytime as a "stand in" for absent members, my next appearance being on the 9th September standing in for Scott Bourne. So my thanks Leo, Scott and Andy for a great show! As I said, what a 24 hours! Technorati Tags: , ,

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The Mac Jury!

The MacJury.jpgMy good friend Chuck Joiner from over on MacNotables and MacVoices, invited me to take part in the inaugural episode of the Mac Jury - a new panel discussion about the Mac. I recorded the show a week or two ago and it's taken a little while for Chuck to get the site up and running but it's there now and the show is available. If you're a MacVoices or MacNotables subscriber, you'll probably get a copy of the show automatically as I think he'll be putting a copy of at least the first show in that feed. We're pretty well served in the Mac Community for commentary on the Mac scene but with the introduction of the Mac Jury, there's now even more choice! Just make sure that you don't unsubscribe from the Mac Roundtable! Not sure when I'll be next on the Mac Jury but Chuck always puts together a varied and interesting group of people so I'll be subscribing! Thanks for the invite Chuck!

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Another Podcast Appearance!

MyMac.pngYup! Another podcast appearance this time on the MyMac podcast with Tim, Guy and David. Tim asked me a month or so ago and it wasn't until we started chatting during the podcast that I realised that we'd met at MacWorld earlier this year! Here's the blurb..... Don McAllister of ScreenCastOnline and the Mac Roundtable Podcast joined Tim, Guy, and David this week for a great chat. We cover podcasting, how Don got started, and his switch from the PC to the Mac. We have Robert Hazelrigg chatting about his AppleCare ordeal, and then Tim, Guy, and David wrap up the show with some MyMac news, Apple news, and audio books worth buying on You can check out this episode on the MyMac site Thanks guys - I really enjoyed it!

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Another Internet Success Story...

Just listened to this weeks TWIT "This Week in Technology", one of my usual weekly podcast fixes. It's an interesting mix of views and opinions of the weeks technology news. This week is slightly different in that it has Jonathan Coulton on the panel. Jonathan is an independent musician who basically uses the Internet as his record label and makes a decent living servicing a niche market. What makes this episode particularly interesting to me is the direct parallel that creating and consequently making a living fromScreenCastsOnline has with Jonathans experiences with developing his own business model as an Internet based musician. Other than the live performance aspect, you could literally have replaced his experiences and thoughts with mine. Add in some insightful comments by the ever excellent Merlin Mann and you have what is an extremely interesting and thought provoking discussion around how to successfully build an Internet based business to a niche market. I'd strongly suggest giving the show a listen (you might want to skip to around 23:00 into the show to get to the good stuff) This Week in Technology - Episode 133

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