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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Podcasting (53)


Rocketboom Appearance - At last!

expo_me.jpg Well it finally happened, I got an appearance on Rocketboom! OK so if you blink you'll miss it, and it's in the distance and if you didn't know I was there you'd miss it but hey, it's me! Just so you don't miss it I've included a freeze frame from Rocketboom from 3/10/2006 - that's me in the red circle :-) The two guys sitting in front are Paul Colligan and Andrew Baron (Mr Rocketboom himself). This was taken just before Andrews keynote (obviously) on the second day. Don't worry, I won't let this appearance go to my head!

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Podcast Expo - 2nd Day Keynote

Start of the second day! Just come back from a 7am breakfast meeting and I'm back in the Ballroom for todays keynote! Todays keynote is Andrew Baron from Rocketboom. No live blogging today :-)

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Business Podcasting Bible

1933596376-1.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_V41781871_.jpgOne very important person left off the list of people I met yesterday was Paul Colligan Paul Colligan. We've exchanged several emails on the topic of the ScreenCastsOnline Extra! membership approach I've taken with ScreenCastsOnline as Paul is actively helping other Podcasters looking at ways to monetise their podcasts. ScreenCastsOnline (and myself) got a mention in Pauls session during the Expo. Paul also published his new book at the Expo - The Business Podcasting Bible. To my delight, ScreenCastsOnline has got a mention in the book as one of Pauls favorite podcasts! What's even cooler is the it's mentioned on the same page as The Chris Pirillo Show, Battlestar Galactica, Podcast 411 and TWIT - all heavy hitters in the podcast would and I'm jazzed to be mentioned in such illustrious company (check out Page 226) Thanks Paul! PS I'll setup an affiliate link for anyone who wants to get the book when I get back to the UK Update: Here is that affiliate link :-) Business Podcasting Bible

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Day 1 - Podcast Expo

Interesting day! Following on from the keynotes I attended several sessions plus also took the opportunity to network. There's definitely scope for extending this event to three days which apparently is the plan for next year. Met up with lot's of interesting people including (and forgive me if I've left you out as it's late and I'm very tired)... Kosso of the Bluggcast and, John Wall of the M show, Victor from the Typical Mac User podcast, George Starcher and Kevin Devin or FIT (thanks for the badge), some of the Libsyn guys, Alex Lindsey of Pixel core, Scott Fletcher of Podcheck Weekly, plus many more. I even bumped into fellow podcasters that were fans of the show including Chris Christensen of the Amateur Traveler Video podcast and Tom Shad. Tom is a musician from New York who's a great fan of the show and has some pretty cool things going on in the musical performance space. The Rapidweaver episodes helped build his site! Leo Laporte did a live TWIT taping for which I sat in the audience (didn't get an invite to join them on stage :-) ) but they had horrendous issues getting the equipment sorted out - good fun when it started though. And that's all before doing the Expo show booths properly! Ah well, there's always tomorrow but there's also another full day of sessions.

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Podcast Expo - Keynote

29-09-06_1614small.jpgSitting in Ballroom C at the Ontario Convention Center - Great setup with Wifi and 5 rows of tables the full width of ballroom for laptop users. Conference staring to fill up and Tikibar is playing on the large screen monitors. 20 minutes to go to Leo Laportes keynote.

Live Blogging! Leo's Keynote has started following an intro from Tim Bourquin (expo founder) Initial theme is on the Podcast name - Is podcasting the right name? Touting "NetCast" Thanks to Apple for promoting podcasts but iTunes both the best and the worst thing to happen to Podcasting. Some words around monetising podcasts and the potential pitfalls. The audience is king - hear hear :-) Interesting comment about Twit advertising - Dell only pays for the US downloads as they have no model for global advertising - impacts podcasts because we are global. Leo has finished and now the Battlestar Galactica guy - Ron Moore - a podcasting pioneer! Humerous guy! Initially the BG podcast was suggested as a stunt by the PR dept. Showed his actual recorder and suggested that he'll donate it the the National Podcasting Museum! Must subscribe to this guys podcast - he's a natural! Just realised that Kosso from the Bluggcast had crept in late and sat next to me - small universe :-) Excellent Keynote - wrapping up with a Q&A - you must download this when avalable. Off to the next session

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