About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


Prep for MacWorld

Don't know if I'll keep it updated but I've installed a Twitter badge in the side panel. It let's you keep track of where (what?) I'm up to! You can also check out my profile on the Twitter website There's also an RSS feed to subscribe to if you're that way inclined! RSS Feed Ah well off to do some ironing, get all my bits together and wait for the 6:30am pick up tomorrow - Approximate Journey time 18 hours!

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New Years Resolutions

Yes. it's that time of the year again!resolve.jpg As well as the usual ones (you know - eat less, exercise more, spend more quality time with the family, etc) I'm going to try some resolutions to help me achieve more this year on the work side and be more focused and productive. Some that spring to mind are:

    Switch Off Google Reader and only check it once in the morning, once at Lunchtime and once in the evening! Do not have loaded and feel I have to respond to every mail that comes in the minute it comes in! Clear some of the clutter from my desktop and try not to have too many windows open at one time. Try to focus on the task in hand and don't multi task as much. Allocate time slots in the day to work on different projects so they all get progressed. Re-read Getting Things Done by David Allen
Any other suggestions?

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Which SuperHero am I?

In case you were wondering...... Your results:
You are Superman

Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

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OMG - It's Gonna Blow!

mbpbattery.jpgMy 17" MacBook Pro has been behaving very strangely over the last few weeks but only when on battery power. It just seemed to shut itself down with no warning! Using it tonight, I heard a very strange pop and then 20 minutes later it shut itself down. When picking it up, I noticed something very strange underneath the MBP. Instead of the usual sleek, perfectly flat surface there was a weird bump. OMG - The battery had suddenly expanded and started the first stages of transforming itself into the Sydney Opera House. OK - perhaps not that dramatic but still quite a shock! I thought it was only the 15" batteries that had issues! Ah well, onto AppleCare tomorrow and hopefully they can ship me a new battery without sending the whole laptop off. Update - Well I got my MacBook Pro back today (5/1/2007) after it going into my local repair centre under Applecare. Took them a week including the New Year Break so not too bad. I didn't realise how much I'd miss it! Ah well, just in time for MacWorld!

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Live on the ScobleShow!

Don McAllister shows off Screencasts Online

So it was a little while coming but my interview has now been published on the Scoble Show. This was actually the second take as three quarters through the 1st take, he realised we had no audio! The bit I didn't manage to mention was the success of the sponsorship model when doing sponsored screencasts as vendors are really seeing some benefits in have a whole show about their products as it raises visibility, gives training and reduces support calls. But on the whole, I think it's OK (although I would have done a little bit more editing - Sorry Michael, I knew you're from Denmark - my mind just went blank!). PS I forgot I mentioned the Standard Membership in the Interview but I removed that option several weeks ago so only the Premium Membership option remains - nice and simple

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