About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


Whoo Hoo! - My Own Apple Store


Residents of Liverpool (UK) will no longer have to make the 35-mile drive to Manchester to enjoy an Apple store–they’re getting their own next year when the sprawling Liverpool One urban project opens in city center. The project is more than retail, also encompassing 42-acres of residential, office and open space set among five distinctly-designed districts. According to the developer, it’s intended to create, “a new and compact focal point for urban living and leisure in the 21st century Liverpool.” It will be the 14th store in the UK, behind the nine existing and four other planned stores.

via ifoAppleStore

Guess where I live! I was in the City Center last week and the amount of building work and re-generation going on down there is absolutely mind boggling! Good to know that a new Apple store will emerge from all of the construction work going on!

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Whoops! 10 Days Gap

Is it really 10 days sine I last made a blog post! Doesn't time fly. My only excuse is that I tend to micro blog on twitter. OK, other excuses include being spread too thinly and working on too many things at the same time. I should really resolve to blog at least once a day but I hate making promises I might break. Let's see how it goes.

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The Twitter Effect

twitterlogo.jpgTwitter is rapidly turning into a micro blogging tool and as such is having a detrimental effect on my blog and probably countless others. Whilst it's great to tweet(!) it's very much of the moment and shouldn't replace traditional blogging. So I'm going to make an effort to spend a bit more time on my blog and post a bit more frequently.

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Another reason why Twitter is so fascinating....

Yeah, so the blogosphere is awash with people both hyping up and dissing Twitter. I've been using it since MacWorld and it's been interesting to see it being used more and more and morph into a different beast than what it was all the way back in January :-) One thing I find completely fascinating that others don't seem to bring up in the discussions on Twitter, is how it spans time zones and unifies the day across the globe. Many of my twitter friends are over in California and I'm here in the UK. Of course, the time difference has always been there and yes, I know that we're hours apart, but with emails, etc that difference has always been weird to conceptualise. You know there is a time difference, but it seems so abstract. Now with Twitter, you know people are on-line, they're up and about and starting their day as you're half way through yours, you hear about the weather at that moment in time on the other side of the world in virtual real time, you see people start projects you know you'll be watching or listening to a few hours later (podcasts etc), you know when they're having a good (or bad) day, you appreciate more the level of work they have on, you get an idea of their values and interests (family time, new gadgets) etc, etc..... just makes you feel more, connected!

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Interview Posted at Maclectic BBS

Thanks to Rich and Bob over at Maclectic BBS for publishing an interview I did with them via email. Email interviews are much harder work than spoken ones!

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