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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


Update Fatigue....

Whoo! What a day! Don't know what caused it but today produced a flurry of updates to various apps. First Launchbar upgraded to 4.3 - I'm so impressed I've removed Quicksilver from my main machine - I still never fully got the hang of it! As an aside, you've got to love the new tag line "If quick isn't fast enough" Then Rapidweaver 3.6.2 came out - indispensible. Then I noticed that xTorrent came out with a new beta. Gotta install And finally, Hazel 2 hit the streets. Add in my newly purchased PathFinder from yesterday, and I'm suffering from App update overload at the moment. At least there's no chance of me running out of subjects for future shows!

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How many blogs is too many?

I've started yet another blog! I think I'm doing the right thing by separating out my interests like this rather than lumping everything together. So now I've got several web presences including: ScreenCastsOnline Website - This is my main site of course and is the repository for all the ScreenCastsOnline shows ScreenCastsOnline Forums - Now with 1539 registered members, the forums are really an invaluable resource and seems to have taken on a life of its own. This is in no small part to the dedicated band of regulars on the forum who go out of their way to help anyone with a mac related problem. It's also a great place to have a good old chin wag! My Own Reality - This is my main personal blog and I try to focus on mac related stuff and things connected with ScreenCastsOnline and my podcasting activities. RSS Feed Podcast-Monetizer - It's a blog at present but will eventually turn into a fully fledged website once I pull my finger out and get Podcas-Monetizer launched. Podcast-Monetizer is a training guide for podcastsers who wnat to replicate the membership infrastructure and tools I've been using to run ScreenCastsOnline. RSS Feed - This is the new one! It's a blog and website intended to service business related consultancy activity surrounding the adoption of podcasting and social media within the business community right here in the UK. Aimed mainly at UK based businesses (hence the but of course everyone is welcome to check it out (and I'm willing to travel if none UK based businesses want to use my services!). I figured that businesses might not want to read about Podcasting in Business when mixed in with my observations on the mac. Checkout the rather spiffy Rapidweaver theme!RSS Feed I'll try my hardest not to cross post between the various blogs so feel free to subscribe to the RSS Feeds to see what I'm up to! Oh and yes, there's always Twitter and FaceBook :-)

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I Thought This Would be Easy!

So much for being a professional podcaster and the easy life! I had a crazy day yesterday. Started off by presenting to a local group of business people all about the benefits of podcasting. It went really well and got a great reaction. I'll post up the slides when I get a minute. Then back home to prep this weeks show. Sudden change of direction due to circumstances beyond my control so didn't get much done. Then taxi-ing my daughter to Liverpool and back - twice Some family time Re-prepping this weeks show Discovered some redirect problems with the ScreenCastsOnline site Then staying up until 2am to participate in this weeks Mac Round table Followed by some quick support emails until 3:20am and bed. Up at 7am Fixed the site, more emails and then taxi my daughter (and friends) to the train station. Back home and record this weeks screencast. It's now lunchtime and it's finally ready for editing but needs to be done and dusted before some friends come over this evening. But you know, I wouldn't have it any other way! I may just have a lazy weekend - dream on!

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Apple Stock Holder

So I've been tracking Apple stock since switching across to the Mac a couple of years ago. I've seen it sky rocket to the heady heights of the current levels with the introduction of the iPhone. I've never had stock in anything before (to be honest, I've never really had the sort of cash to invest in the stock market :-)) But with the amazing intro of the iPhone in only a few short weeks, the glowing reports from all quarters (even as a version 1.0 launch) and the approaching Apple Perfect Storm™, I thought it time to put my money where my mouth is and buy some Apple stock! Never done it before but it was surprisingly easy to do from across the pond. Now I haven't sold the kids or re-mortgaged the house but I've had a little put aside in case this whole "podcasting for a living" malarky didn't work out, so I've used some of that to invest in a modest (i.e. piddling!) amount of Apple stock! I'm no Scott Bourne but hey, from little acorns grow! So just so you know and in the interests of full disclosure, this blog is now authored by an Apple stock holder (albeit a little one!). It's just a pity I didn't do it when Apple was $60 a share when I first became aware of the Mac ;-)

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I'm All Over The Place....

Sometimes you can have just too much choice! camiinoshadFollowing my last post, Camino have released v1.5 which now seems to play nicely with Google Reader - hurrah! Then, NetNewsWire goes and releases v3.0. As I mentioned previously, I use Google Reader for my RSS feeds but I did use NNW prior to that and paid for a full licence. PicturesqueThought I'd give the new version of NNW a spin seeing as I paid for it ;) I have to admit, I'm starting to like it again! I seem to be able to read the posts much more quickly than with google reader? I exported all my subscriptions from GR via OPML and imported them into NNW - There were some duplications due to the groups I've setup in GR but all seemed to work fine. I'll leave it for a couple more days but it looks like NNW might just win out in the end.

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