About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


Ad Free Blog!

Decided to take all the ads off my blog. Just seemed the right thing to do. All looks nice and clean now :-)

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Happy New Year for 2008

The title says it all!

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Top Ten List

ahlogo.jpgHere's a link to an interesting article written by one of my good buddies, Mark McCall. Mark runs the excellent Automated Home Web site and is very active within the UK HA community. I've attended several HA meetups in the UK that Mark has put together and his web site is a gold mine of info for HA related information. It's been interesting to see Mark move from a 100% windows user to a convert to the Mac. Mark knows all there is to know about gadgets, HA and related technologies and is well versed at evaluating and recommending stuff for his site. His whole hearted adoption of the Mac as a platform goes a long way to remove the "Mac fanboy" label that stymies many Mac adoptees who just think that the Mac is a great platform. Way to go Mark!

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No Laptop....

Images.jpgJust back from an extremely pleasant (albeit tiring) few days in Prague (Chezch Republic). I have to keep online at least once a day to check on membership additions and issues and in the past, I've taken my MacBook Pro for just such reasons. However, this time I thought I'd risk taking just the iPhone to see how I fared. No edge connection (as the iPhone is unlocked and running on a temporary SIM) but the good news was that the Hotel had free wifi in the bar - result! So how did I manage - surprisingly well! The mail client built into the iPhone is great and I was able to read all my mail, sort into urgent and not so urgent, respond to the urgent ones and file those for later action into a subfolder. Check out this weeks show for how I have my email configured. But along with email I was able to tweet and read my RSS feeds just as easily as at Home. Where it really surprised me was in the usefulness of Internet browsing to check on various bits and pieces - locations, place names, sporting stuff, basically everything at your fingertips! No to mention, passing round the iPhone to view clips and articles on thins we chatted about during the evening! It really is a remarkable, game changing platform. Oh and as an aside, Prague is an absolutely beautiful city and highly recommended. I was also surprised to see a large number of Macs in and around the town including a number of Macbooks and iMacs.

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Back From My Travels

Back in the UK after a family holiday to Tunisia. Weather - Great Food - Great People - Great Accommodation - Great Internet Access - OMG! The worse possible experience of trying to keep up with mail and the blogosphere. It was frankly impossible although I suppose it was a good experience to allow me to appreciate just how well connected I am at home. Basically, the Internet Cafe at the hotel was 4 really old Windows PCs (with 3 switched off permanently switched off) running Windows XP. Add in the fact that you had to use IE (installed with every third party toolbar ever invented installed) plus it was running over dial up, made the Internet not a very nice place to be. So in the end I just gave up! I probably spent no more than 30 minutes online the whole week - a very weird experience indeed, especially when you make your living online. Ah well, back home now and back to normal.

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