Ever since Macworld, I've started to harbour a strange desire for a MacBook Air.

It's taken a while and it wasn't the immediate knee jerk reaction that sometimes occurs when Apple release a new product. No, I thought it was a great machine, but a little bit too expensive for me.
I was in the mind set to upgrade my 1st Gen MacBook Pro but knew that the new MacBook Pros would be along soon.
So I waited.....
Then I started to re-evaluate what I needed my existing MacBookPro for. It's a 17" and the original thought process was that the beast would be my portable Video editing machine. I needed that huge screen for FCP and some raw horsepower to encode that video when on the road.
In the two years I've had the machine, I must have done this, ooh. let me see... a total of three times!
So I need a 17" MacBook Pro for working when not tied to my desk. You know, such processor intensive tasks such as answering emails in front of the TV, answering emails when in hotel rooms, browsing the web, reading RSS feeds, writing blog posts......
Hmm, not really very processor intensive stuff really.
And then there's the weight and the heat!
It's impossible to use the MacBook Pro as a proper laptop as I need some thermal protection between it and my lap. Plus it's very unwieldy, it's a great desktop replacement but not very portable really.
Then I started to read some blog posts and see repetitive twitter posts..
After consistent MacBook Air usage since it shipped, I now feel comfortable calling it the best notebook I have ever owned. -
Dan Pourhadi -
I agree, and I've owned everything back to the old Mac Portable (which wasn't). The MBA is one sweet machine Steve Sande Twitter
The MacBook Air: What a Laptop Should Be -
Kirk McElhearn Blog
Everyone I meet who has a MacBook Air loves them Scoble Blog
MacBook Air Haters: S**k My D**k (Ahem!)
Wil Shipley Blog
MacBook Air: Rambling First Impressions (PG!) Wil Shipley Blog
MacBook Air early review: GAME CHANGING! Jason Calacanis Blog
Need I go on...There's plenty more rave reviews if you need them!
And so the new MacBooks and MacBook Pros were released this week and although good in every way, nothing really that caused me to whip out the credit card and replace my existing beast. I toyed with the idea of selling the 17" MacBook Pro and getting a new 15" MacBook Pro for portability but you know.......
I really want a MacBook Air and it would fit the bill of portability, lightness, coolness (in heat terms!) and plenty enough horsepower to do what I need to do with a laptop - just basic computing.
So with that m'lud, I rest my case and complete the self-justification for the fool-hardy action of ordering a new MacBook Air this afternoon.
I'll keep you posted on my findings!
PS In case you think I've recently won the lottery or something as I've only just got my Mac Pro, well no! They're both business expenses and investments for the future of ScreenCastsOnline (or something like that!) I fully expect these machines to pay for themselves over the next few years - mind you, the Mac Pro feels like it's paid for itself already with the time I've saved in encoding - magic!
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