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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


A long weekend....

Some exciting news this week, well, exciting for me at least!

I could string it out, but I learnt a while ago, that it's best just to come out with it when it's the type of news that only really impacts you.

I always remember back in the early days of podcasting, there was one weekly tech podcast I used to listen to each week, not a Mac podcast by the way. The host started to bang on about some earth shattering news that he had, but wasn't able to share with us until a certain date. Each week, he would mention this news, building it up and building it up into some really amazing exclusive that would change the face of podcasting forever. By about the third week, I was gagging for this news and he announced that he would reveal all during a special edition of the show the following week. I was beside myself with anticipation.

The next edition of the show rolled around and finally the new was announced.....

He had a book deal.


Now I'm sure it was exciting for him, and quite a significant event in his life but really, it was of little or no interest to his audience. I was pleased for him but after such a prolonged build up and mounting anticipation, it was a real let down and such a disappointment. In fact, I was so disappointed and felt so strongly that I unsubscribed from his podcast and have never listened again to this day.

So I'm very wary of building up buzz and anticipation on things I announce via the show and the blog, if really they only are exciting to me and yes this is one of those instances!

So basically, the news is I've been invited to attend a special screening of the new Star Trek movie over in Los Angeles in 10 days time. It's a special screening put on by Eugene "Rod" Roddenberry (the son of gene Roddenberry, the creator of the original Star Trek) which will also feature a documentary and will have some of the original Star Trek cast in attendance.

It transpires that Rod is a big Mac fan and extended an invitation to a number of Mac podcasters through a mutual friend.

Whilst I originally dismissed the idea of traveling half way round the world for a long weekend to watch a movie, my friends and family thought I'd be mad to miss the opportunity. So further investigations and the realisation that my current airmiles would cover most of the airfare, and the generosity of a certain Mac podcaster who is also going to the event and will be putting me up for a night, it looks as though it's going to happen.

So yes, I'm excited and I had to let you know so I could tweet away on the trip.

I'll also be taking the opportunity to drop in on one of my old friends now know lives out in LA so it should be a pretty memorable trip. The plan is to fly out on the Thursday, spend Friday and Sunday at the resort where the screening is to take place, visit with my friend on the Sunday and fly back Sunday evening arriving back in the UK on the Monday. I'm not sure what state I'll be in or wether jet lag will even have had a chance to kick in, so the show for the following week might be a bit shorter or not as in depth as usual!

So I hope you share with me in my excitement and I plan to tweet as much as I can whilst I'm away.

Just don't unsubscribe!


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Mac Financial Apps

calc.pngI started a mini twitter storm yesterday by expressing my frustrations with trying to find a simple yet effective Money management application for the Mac. Up until a few months ago, I was still using MS Money 95 (yes 95!), the last application from my pre-mac days and the only one I needed a windows virtual machine on my mac for. Well I decided to bite the bullet and transfer over to a Mac application to remove my dependancy on the windows environment. Well, there are tons of really smart Mac applications out there for every niche under the sun so shouldn't be any problems? After a very brief mooch around, I ended up with iBank. After using it for a few months, I want my MS Money'95 back. You know, if I enter 02/01/09 I really don't expect my consumer level package to interpret that as 2nd Jan 0009 - I mean, come on FFS!! Anyhow, I'm not happy and want a Mac app that makes life easier and makes keeping on top of my finances fun, you know, like all my other apps behave. As a side note, I've found a great online package for my business accounts called Kashflow (affiliate link) Whilst not a Mac app, it's brilliantly simple and just works. I'd like something similar for my home finances please. I've found that most apps are either too complex or too simple. I just want something that makes data entry easy and gives me a forward looking view for the next few months to see if I'm going to go overdrawn and allows me to juggle things about to stop that happening. The leader in the recommendations appears to be Moneywell but I'm not too sure if I really want to spend the time setting up all these buckets and moving stuff about. I still can't see a nice simple projection of how my finance will look over the next few months, but that just may be me. With all the packages, there is a big investment in time in setting them up and I want to be sure I choose the right one. James Oberwetter was kind enough to email the links below to me following the Twitter thread yesterday. I've not tried all of the apps but it's a good place to start. MoneyWell Cha-Ching moneyGuru MTH Software: Home of the high quality personal financial software Moneydance® 2008 - Personal Finance Manager for Mac, Windows, and Linux iBank | Personal finance, money management and small business software for Mac OS X EasyMoney IGG Software | Personal finance, money management and small business applications for Mac OS X Jumsoft | Money Squirrel - Personal Finance Application Feel free to leave your own comments and recommendations for financial software on this post. It shouldn't be this hard!

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Interview on

Always happy to support new ventures so I was delighted to be invited to be the first interviewee on a brand new podcast called 335seconds. This is a new podcast from fellow brit, Seb Payne. A short and simple 6 minute interview with no edits. You can find the first episode here. Best of luck with the podcast Seb, and thanks for the invite

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2008 Retrospective - 2009 Looking Forward

The MacCast » Blog Archive » Maccast 2008.12.26.pngMy good Mac buddy, Adam Christianson, was kind enough to invite me to take part in a special edition of the Maccast just before Christmas with another two of my favourite Mac podcasters - Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User), Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken). We spent a very pleasant time discussing what had happened during 2008 and pontificating on what will be happening in 2009. You can check out the podcast over at: Maccast 2008.12.26 Thanks for the invite Adam, always great to hang out with you guys!

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Exactly the Same with ScreenCasting

Just saw this great list of quotes via Gruber

More time = shorter letter | Dangerous Intersection The one that tickled me the most was this one from Mark Twain:

If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today.  If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.

Mark Twain

This could as easily be re-written as:

If you want me to give you a two-hour screencast, I am ready today.  If you want only a five-minute video, it will take me two weeks to prepare.

Don McAllister
How times change - NOT!

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