About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Personal Stuff (57)


Shameless Self Promotion - #2

Another outcome from attending the Podcast and Portable Media Expo, was that I also met Chris Christensen from the Amateur Traveller Podcast. at.jpg We chatted, (as you do!) and the subject of my home town came up. I'm based in Liverpool in the North West of England (born and bred) and is a City currently undergoing massive re-generation due in part to the recent World Heritage Status bestowed upon the City, along with the awarding of the "European Capital of Culture" to Livepool due to kick off in 2008. And that's even without mentioning the links with the Beatles :-) To cut a long story short, Chris invited me to chat about Liverpool on an episode of his Podcast. Nothing to do with ScreenCastsOnline or Macs but if you'd like to know more about my home town and the amazing changes that are taking place, check out the podcast. Chris has put together a great page with direct links to the MP3 plus a cool player so you can listen directly from the page. Not only that, but he's put together a fantastic set of links for most all of the things I mention. Check out the page and the podcast here Thanks Chris!

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The River of News - Google Reader Style

River of News-styled reading is a good idea for some, if it suits your mood.I ended up wanting to categorize it into the organized form I used to read it in. I’m not in the mood to read everything today, I’m in the mood to read certain topics and people.

I tried ‘river of news’ style but… at Eric Rice

Eric Rice is pushing back against the "River of News" metaphor that seems to have become so popular in certain quarters.

I've gotta agree with him!

That's why I was such a big fan of NetNewsWire as it let me categorise feeds into folders and I could pick what I wanted to read depending on my particular need at the time. I'm subscribed to over 200 feeds and no way could I cope with a deluge!

In some ways, Google Reader is even better in that I can assign multiple categories (or tags) to feeds so that a feed can be in both my Mac related category and my Notables category. If I feel like reading about mac related stuff, all my mac feeds are agregated into a single list which I can skip through and read using the "j" key but it also includes all my "notable" mac related people as well. If I feel like reading about people, it's easy just to click on the "notables" and read all the agregated posts.

I can of course see who has posted and just jump straight to that feed.

Even better is it's on the web so I can do it from any machine anywhere and always be current.


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An Unexpected Bonus

n2c.jpg Following on from my trip to the Podcast and Portable Media Expo a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an unexpected bonus. As the flight from Manchester to LA was approximately 10 hours, I thought I'd treat my self to a pair of Shure E2C-N In-Ear Headphones (affiliate link!). These are noise cancelling headphones, just the job for cutting out extraneous noise on the flight. They worked extremely well but I must admit, I don't make that many transatlantic flights so they could be considered a bit of an extravagance! But! It was time to cut the lawn yesterday and I've got a fairly large garden and an old very noisy petrol lawnmower. I've tried to listen to my iPod in the past but even with the volume turned up full, it was still difficult to hear and it can't really be that good for my hearing. Ding! Why not try the Shures? Popped them in and with my iPod only on half volume I was able to listen to and fully understand a rather badly recorded podcast. Result! I feel a lot better now knowing I'll get regular use out the EC2's rather than just waiting until the next Podcast Expo :-)

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Rocketboom Appearance - At last!

expo_me.jpg Well it finally happened, I got an appearance on Rocketboom! OK so if you blink you'll miss it, and it's in the distance and if you didn't know I was there you'd miss it but hey, it's me! Just so you don't miss it I've included a freeze frame from Rocketboom from 3/10/2006 - that's me in the red circle :-) The two guys sitting in front are Paul Colligan and Andrew Baron (Mr Rocketboom himself). This was taken just before Andrews keynote (obviously) on the second day. Don't worry, I won't let this appearance go to my head!

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Back in Blighty

Made it back safely to the UK! Lots of things to catch up on over the next week or so. Will keep you posted!

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