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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in misc (11)


Superbowl 2007?

sb.jpgUpdate: Ah well, you win some you lose some! Guess I should have known from the lack of buzz leading up to the game that this should have stayed within the realm of rumour! Well at the risk of repeating myself, we should know soon if Apple did pay megabucks for a earth shattering Superbowl ad to rival the impact of the "1984" ad. We should know in less that 48 hours! Me, I'm still sticking with a Vista bashing announcement of Leopard and some of its eye candy and even some of it's super secret features. Time will tell. What's your prediction?

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Single Line RSS Feed ....Grrrrr

I'm with Ethan on this one

I’d like to start a movement: Everyone should unsubscribe to any blog or RSS feed source which does not provide a full-text feed for free. I’m sick and tired of being counted as a subscriber when the feed is next to useless.


Its one of my pet peeves too!

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Shameless Self Promotion - #2

Another outcome from attending the Podcast and Portable Media Expo, was that I also met Chris Christensen from the Amateur Traveller Podcast. at.jpg We chatted, (as you do!) and the subject of my home town came up. I'm based in Liverpool in the North West of England (born and bred) and is a City currently undergoing massive re-generation due in part to the recent World Heritage Status bestowed upon the City, along with the awarding of the "European Capital of Culture" to Livepool due to kick off in 2008. And that's even without mentioning the links with the Beatles :-) To cut a long story short, Chris invited me to chat about Liverpool on an episode of his Podcast. Nothing to do with ScreenCastsOnline or Macs but if you'd like to know more about my home town and the amazing changes that are taking place, check out the podcast. Chris has put together a great page with direct links to the MP3 plus a cool player so you can listen directly from the page. Not only that, but he's put together a fantastic set of links for most all of the things I mention. Check out the page and the podcast here Thanks Chris!

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Project Blackbox


17.October.2006 - After today, you'll never look at an ordinary shipping container quite the same way again. Project Blackbox is a prototype of the world's first virtualized datacenter--built into a shipping container and optimized to deliver extreme energy, space, and performance efficiencies.Designed to address the needs of customers who are running out of space, power and cooling, Project Blackbox gives customers a glimpse into the fast, cost-effective datacenter deployments coming in the near future--where thinking out of the box means putting an IT infrastructure in a box.
Project Blackbox - Sun

This is MEGA!!! Cringley has been touting that Google were working on this concept but it looks like Sun have beat them to the punch! Check out the video on the site. The brilliance of the concept is that it's all built into a standard shipping container and hooks up easily virtually anywhere. They've also built in a water based cooling systems to keep the supported servers and storage running at the correct temp. Imagine building a datacenter with these beauties, I wonder how high you can stack them! Welcome to the age of utility computing.

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Google Watch : Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs

Google Watch : Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs: "Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs Breaking news: Google will announce tomorrow at the Office 2.0 conference a new product called Google Docs, which will merge Writely and Google Spreadsheets into a collaboration and document management solution, according to sources.The new offering will be available at, although that address produces a 404 error right now. "

(Via Weblog.)

OMG! I've been a long time fan of Writely and recently started to get into Google Spreadsheets. Have to say the Google SS still has a way to go to get close to Excel but for 60% of traditional spreadsheet work it's OK. This is exciting news and chairs will be flying in Redmond today. Is it me or are Google slowly but surely taking over the web? Is that a good or a bad thing? Looking forward to the next Gilmor Gang! UPDATE: 30 seconds after posting this I tried and wouldn't you kmow it, they've launched it already - the major bummer is it doesn't support Safari. This may be a major issue for Mac users and I know that with Writely that there were some serious issues in Safari that made it impossible to use with Writely. Camino and Flock and Firefox should be OK though.

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