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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in MacWorld 2008 (18)


Overnight Scare and Badge Pickup Suprise

Following on from my extended 25 hour plus journey and arrival meal, I finally hit the sack and fell into a deep, deep sleep. Figured if I could sleep through until at least 9am, that should stand me in good stead until tomorrow. All was well until 2:30am when the phone rang with a call from home. Temporary automotive crisis! Why do these things happen when I'm away? All sorted and managed to get back to sleep until the alloted 9am - phew! Thanks to the power of Twitter, I discovered the lines to pick up the badges where horrendous so decided to leave picking them up for an hour or two. Leisurely got myself together and had a hearty breakfast on the way to Moscone. The queues had died down by the time I got there and my user conference badge was duly picked up. No printed schedules for the conference available - huh! Went upstairs to pick up my presenters badge for Friday. Given my badge, a ticket to the MacBlast party ($40), a ticket to the Cirque Du mac Party and a ticket to the Mac Life party - result! The icing on the cake was that I was told the pass will get me priority access into the Keynote - double result! The dillema is now due I still queue up at 4am and meet up with the people I'd promised to meet, or just saunter along at 7:15am. What do you think?

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The Big Day!

Well, I'm all packed and finishing off a few last minute emails and chores before setting off to Macworld. It's a fairly long haul from the UK, especially when it's not a direct flight but I should be in San Francisco in about 20 odd hours. I'll be updating the blog hopefully at least once a day but will probably be micro blogging via twitter via the iPhone a lot more. If you want to check on my progress, just follow me on twitter and I'll try and bring you all the latest. Except for the Keynote that is - I'll have my data roaming switched firmly off and I don't believe there is wifi in the hall. I'm sure there'll be lots of other points of access to the keynote info. I'm hoping to take part in an adhoc panel immediately after the Keynote with the other MacLevelTen members and Chuck will be posting the Audio pretty soon after the keynote ends so check out the MacLevelTen site for that. See you across the pond!

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I'm in a quandary....

Yes, yes I know I've banged on about Macworld but I'm considering the options for next weeks show. I had planned on just doing a normal screencast, hopefully in advance, so I can just post it whilst I'm away but then I thought, should I be doing something special to mark the trip. Long time viewers may remember I did a short sights and sounds of the show last year. So what do you think? A normal show or something different for next week? I've setup a quick poll on the forum (no membership or login required to vote!) ScreenCastsOnline Forum Poll Your thoughts would be appreciated!

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Something is bothering me...

With the announcement of the new 8-Core Mac Pro, something is bothering me? So the top end machine is this hugely impressive monster of a machine with oodles of power and lots of expansion potential. However, if you don't need that sort of horsepower (and expense) what's the alternative? A 20" or 24" iMac with built in video display? Where is the middle ground machine, the one that's going to appeal to the potential switcher who has a decent monitor but wants a reasonably price tower or mini tower system with decent expandability? Power Mac G4 Cube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.png

Something for next week perhaps? The return of the Cube perhaps? Just a thought!

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8 Core now standard on the Mac Pro

Apple - Mac Pro.pngWell I thought they'd be out before Christmas but Apple decided to release them the week after! Slap bang in the middle of CES and just before Macworld - a class act! Based on the new Intel 45nm quad-core Stoakley (Penryn) processors at up to 3.2ghz, these new machines are smoking fast. Add in 12MB L2 cache per processor and 1600MHz dual independent frontside buses, Apple have created a new system architecture to boost performance even further stating up to 2x faster than the previous standard-configuration Mac Pro (well as it's now 8 core as standard and the previous was 4-core....) And yes, I'll be rattling the piggy bank and hopefully stumping up the cash for one of these beauties just after Macworld (unless priorities change based on what's released at Macworld!) At the time of this post the Apple UK store is till down so we don't know what the damage in terms of cost will be but you can check out the specs here. I'm not sure how much disruption this will cause to CES (if any) but how many other companies would make such a major release as this merely by issuing a Press Release. Apple - Xserve - Technology - System Architecture.pngIn addition to the Mac Pro update, Apple have also made significant updates to the xserve server, including support for 8 core xserves. Well at least that's the Pro updates out of the way for next week so Apple can concentrate on the consumer side of things! Exciting times!

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