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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Mac Related (237)


Good Job I Do a Mac Podcast

The majority of people who download audio or video podcasts use Safari, hinting that Apple users may download the most podcasts. Firefox came in second overall. Internet Explorer came in a distant third among audio podcast downloaders, and AOL was third among video podcast downloaders.

Podcasts popular in the holodeck | CNET

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Microsoft's iPod Killer

MacDailyNews | Photo of Microsoft’s ‘iPod killer?’

Bring it on :-) When will people learn, it's not just the device, it's the whole package - store, software, infrastructure, coolness, simplicity, design, ease of use....... And if they take the same amount of care over this device as they did with the selection of the DVD drive in the Xbox 360 (That MF sounds like a fully laden freight train going over loose rails ) then I don't think Mr Jobs will be loosing any sleep.
The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste, they have absolutely no taste, and what that means is, and I don't mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way.

Steve Jobs - Watch Video

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Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" early developer-release build reports are in

Mac OS Rumors site has a three page report on some of the features in Leopard, allegedly from some early developer-release builds. On the whole it looks fairly plausible and may give a good indication of what's to come!

On the average multicore Intel Mac, you can expect Leopard to simply feel -- as Steve Jobs has often said -- an "All New Mac". We're talking about 100%+ performance boosts in many benchmarks that are dependent on compiler optimization, GPU acceleration, efficient use of multiple CPUs and high-bandwidth motherboards, etc.....and 40, 50, 70, 80% boosts in many others.

Mac OS Rumors :: The Original Mac Rumor Site.

Looks like even PowerPC users might be OK!
For one thing, we can say right up front that Leopard is noticeably snappier across the board than Tiger....even on the oldest system that supports it, a PowerMac G3 Blue and White or Powerbook G3 "Pismo" (both with built-in FireWire which will still be Leopard's basic requirement, essentially the same as Tiger). And on typical systems owned by Mac users today, in between the G3 and the Core Duo, the advantage is very substantial. On single-processor/single-core systems, you can expect to see a gain of about 25% overall when working with the user interface, and 12-20% performance boosts on many common system functions which nearly all applications access, like Core Graphics, Quartz Extreme, Aqua, AudioAL, et cetera. Significant changes to the Carbon libraries will help those applications take advantage of most of these advances but Cocoa apps are much more likely to get the full boost.

Mac OS Rumors :: The Original Mac Rumor Site.

The bit (!) about Bittorrent support looks a little flaky though
When it comes to the system-level "BitTorrent"-style bandwidth sharing system, we know it is indeed a very real project at Apple and will eventually be part of a package that comes with Mac OS X Server in the Leopard or post-Leopard era. It will allow large organizations to pool bandwidth at multiple locations for single purposes, like high-demand global media downloads or popular files, distributing Software Updates across their enterprise or to external customers/employees/partners and so forth.

Mac OS Rumors :: The Original Mac Rumor Site.

We shall soon see!

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Regent St Nearing Completion

Regent StreetRegent Street Construction

Construction continues on the upgraded and enlarged theater for the Regent Street (London) store, but it will bust out on July 15th when the current theater closesso the project can be completed. All the work is being done behind the current theater, but will finish up at the end of ...

IfoApplestore suggests that the Regent St store is nearing completion with an extended theater space. I wonder what happened to the stairs going up to the third floor?

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OSX Fake ScreenShot Contest

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I am starting to get really pumped up for WWDC, now just under a month away. Why? Well, I’m definitely expecting some new hardware from Apple. Mac Pros seem pretty likely. But what I’m really anticipating is the first sneak peak of Mac OS X Leopard, or 10.5. - Announcing the Fake Leopard Screenshot Contest

Looking forward to seeing the results of this!

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