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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Mac Related (237)


Good Timing

July 25, 2006 - Intel will officially launch its Core 2 Duo processors jointly on Thursday. Conroe, for desktops, and Merom, for laptops, are 64-bit processors that are both expected to find their way into future Mac systems.

Think Secret - Intel Core 2 Duo chips launch Thursday; Eight-core Xeon systems this year

And I make that 11 days before the WWDC - go figure!

However, I do fear my shiny new macbook pro is soon to be eclipsed with a new macbook pro with a Merom chip. Ah well!

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iPhone - nah iPod!

I think that Apple, should they ever come out with a phone, will call it the iPod. iPod has nothing to do with music, so why should they try and build another brand when they already have a winner?

iPhone not going to be called iPhone? - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

I never thought about this but I think Scott McNulty over on the TUAW is right.

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The next big thing - Guaranteed!

‘iPhone’ could add billions to Apple’s revenue Friday, July 21, 2006 - 10:09 AM EDT "Apple Computer Inc., known for its secrecy about new products, has given the strongest signal yet it's working on an iPod phone that analysts said could be released early next year," Bloomberg News reports. "'The biggest part of (Wednesday's) call was the iPhone,' said Piper Jaffray Co. analyst Gene Munster, based in Minneapolis. 'It was the closest we could get to the announcement of a new product from Apple.' An iPod phone may be released in the first half of 2007, Munster said. Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Richard Farmer pegged the release in the first quarter," Bloomberg News reports."'The company is investing heavily in iPod and iTunes engineering and is very enthusiastic about its products in the pipeline," Oppenheimer said. The mobile-phone market may approach 1 billion units in 2008, Merrill's Farmer said. Every 1 percent share of the market Apple captures could add as much as $3 billion to the company's sales, Farmer told clients in a note Thursday after raising his rating on Apple shares to 'buy.' That's based on a device that will sell for about $300, the New York-based analyst said," Bloomberg News reports.

MacDailyNews | Not sitting around doing nothing: ‘iPhone’ could add billions to Apple’s revenue

This has gotta be the next big thing - Who wouldn't buy an Apple branded Wifi enabled Video iPod/iPhone/PDA/Apple remote that syncs seemlessly with iTunes and Leopard to keep all your music, video and contacts on a portable device. Notice how every new Intel mac comes with Bluetooth as standard - I wonder why? Why would Apple go this route? Well it's expected that 900 million mobile phones will be sold this year compared to 40 million iPods. As more phones are launched that can play MP3s it's really a matter of when the iPhone is released and not if! PS Apple already have the iPhone trademark.... Bring it on!

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Give me a break!

"The huge rise of autism in Britain is linked to old iPod batteries, mobile phones and other products of the electronic age, a leading scientist claimed this weekend," The Express On Sunday reports via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge.

MacDailyNews | Scientist links ‘toxic iPods’ to huge rise of autism in UK

Eh! Why single out iPod batteries FFS!!!!

Nice response MacDailyNews....

MacDailyNews Take: In related news, a man tipped over while canoeing this past Saturday on the Hudson River. The man swam safely to shore, but the canoe sank and was lost. The man has been an Apple iPod owner since 2004.

MacDailyNews | Scientist links ‘toxic iPods’ to huge rise of autism in UK

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Scoble loosening up?

Engadget has more on the rumored Microsoft portable media player.The reactions in the comment area on Engadget are pretty interesting.Looks like the readers are focusing on hard drive space. I think that’s the wrong place to look.

At Gnomedex I was going around asking people how many megs they had stored on their iPod. Average answer was around 8GBs. So, having only 30 isn’t necessarily a deal killer.Second, it’ll be interesting to see if Microsoft has a wifi exclusive for very long. If Apple lets Microsoft have that for more than a month you’ll see people saying that Apple is dying again.

I’d take a 30GB player with Wifi over a 60GB player without any day of the week. Why? Cause I hate wires. But, with Wifi I could listen to streaming audio or video again. And, Microsoft is more willing to bring me a subscription music service than Apple seems to be. I’d rather have a player that gives me a choice on that account.

As for not working with “Plays for Sure.” Well, this is cause that program had no teeth. I heard that players were released that wouldn’t play for sure and that made that program unusable.....

Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger » Reading the Microsoft portable media player tea leaves

I had mixed feeings when Scoble left Microsoft as I enjoyed reading what was going on within the Microsoft space as relayed by an insider. I felt that we'ed lose access to informaton we couldn't get anywhere else.

But Scoble being unleashed is good and the scope and range of his blog has been refreshing of late. It's noticible that he's still loyal to Microsoft especially after leaving but is this post a sign that we might get some juicy "microsoft" snippets as time marches on!

And as regards disk space, I bet the majority of people at Gnomedex didn't have fifth generation iPods - once you start hosting video files on your iPod 30GB isn't that much!

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