Backup Strategy revised...

So my external storage comprises 2 x RAID arrays both configured as RAID 0 or scary RAID as some people like to call it.
The reason I originally went with RAID 0 was two fold, one it was fast and secondly, my eSata card didn't support RAID 5. The reason for two RAIDs was to use one as a master and one as a backup.
Until the backup RAID failed for no apparent reason a couple of days ago. Ok, so I still had the main RAID but as this was also in RAID 0 format, it gave me a couple of hours of palpitations whilst I made some space available on the Mac Pros to make an immediate copy. Unless you've got two copies of something, you ain't got a copy at all!
Actually, it wasn't that bad as I'd taken a full backup of the RAID up to the end of February and moved that offsite. So I really did have two copies of the bulk of my project files plus most if not all of my really important documents are backed up between Amazon S3 and Dropbox. Plus, my video project files since February were also stored on one of the Mac Pros, so it wasn't too perilous.
But I had to fix the backup RAID and decided that I needed to come up with an alternative to RAID 0 moving forward, that included the provision for moving backups off site. BTW, I can't really rely on a cloud based backup solution for my video projects, the shear amount of data generated each week makes it impossible with my limited upload speed. I have to backup to physical media.
So this is what I'm planning....
The SCO Archive (all my screencast video project files) I've pruned down to 1.1TB. I had a lot of intermediate files that I could delete and recreate if needed so there was no point keeping those. As it's over 1TB, I'll need to split it over separate drives (didn't really want to buy any more drives and the biggest I have are 1TB) so I'll probably go for a Firewire 800 based Drobo as permanent storage. I have 4x750GB in one of the existing RAIDS that will give me 2TB space so will give me another years expansion even without upgrading the drives. I know the new Drobo Pro is out soon, but I'll wait until they are tried and tested and also a lot cheaper!
I'll also be creating a mirrored pair of 1TB drives for new additions to the SCO video archive. So when I create new content, this will be backed up to the mirrored pair and then also to the Drobo. The beauty of a mirrored pair (or RAID 1) is that each disk is an exact copy of each other. If one disk fails, your data is still on the other disk and when you introduce a new drive, the mirror is created.
There is one other benefit too! At monthly intervals, I can deliberately break the mirror and convert one of the drives into a standard drive which then becomes my offsite backup. Whack in a new drive and re-create the mirror and repeat the cycle for as many times as I want.
As well as the SCO Archive mirror, I'll create a 1TB mirror for all my media, again, will probably last for a while before I fill it up. Not too concerned about off site backups for this but would be a nice to have!
And finally, another mirrored pair for any other data that I need to keep, not connected with video projects. I may also mirror this to the cloud using Jungledisk, Mozy or BackBlaze. I may wait to see if Amazon introduce a service that allows you to send in a drive for them to copy locally in to S3 which you can then incrementally update - they are thinking about it and it would be excellent if they did introduce it.
In the medium term, I can well see me investing in a Drobo Pro, once the FW Drobo starts to reach capacity with the SCO Archive, but I'll still need the mirrored pairs for offsite backup.
I'd probably re-use the FW Drobo as a separate media only storage device, perhaps hooked up to the Mac mini once in place as the Media Center (or Apple TV Take 3 whenever that appears!)
Anything I've left out?