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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in iPhone (19)


Edge for the UK

Looks like that the UK iPhone will not be a second generation device supporting 3G. Various sources are reporting that O2 are deploying EDGE technology in the UK to support the iPhone until the next rev of the iPhone with 3G is made available, probably in the new year. It's looking more and more likely, I'll pick up one in the US. Just found out there is an AT&T store 3 miles from the Podcast Expo Convention Center. We'll see!

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French iPhone Launch

TechCrunch France have just posted some details about the launch of the iPhone in France suggesting a launch date of 29th November. 300 Euros, no 3G seems to be feasible but I'm calling BS on the no unlimited data plan! The iPhone is one of the few devices that desperately needs unlimited data due to the relative lack of wifi hotspots over here is Europe especially the UK. We'll soon find out officially at least in UK as the Apple announcement is now less that 24 hours away. As a sidenote, I didn't try to get a ticket for the Apple announcement as I had a training session to deliver tomorrow. As it turns out, the session has been cancelled as of this morning so I would have been free to go. I'm not sure if it would have been worth it if they are not releasing any product tomorrow, but it would be nice to actually attend.

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iPhone/iPod Touch Version of "My Own Reality"

morFollowing on from this weeks MacBreak Weekly I installed the iPhone Wordpress plugin and theme from ContentRobot. This smart little plugin recognises when your wordprss blog is being accessed by an iPhone or iPod touch, and applies special iPhone friendly formatting to your blog automatically. Very neat! I've applied it to this blog and it seems to work a treat! If you've not got an iPhone or iPod touch yet, you can see what it looks like by getting a copy of iPhoney to run on your Mac to replicate an iPhone browser.

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IPhone or iPod Touch....

AppleHere's another thought. What about all those mobile phone users currently tied into contracts with service providers other than AT&T. Those with 12 or 18 months left on their contract and wouldn't jump ship to the iPhone because they don't want the double whammy of a new contract and paying off their existing contract. They're already walking round with two devices, an iPod and a phone but they'd really like to get the Internet and iPod features of the new phone. Ideal candidates for buying an iPod touch now and using it until their current contract expires by which time iPhone v2 will be available (at a much lower price) and they won't get penalised by switching to the iPhone.

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